| ![]() TM 11-5820-401-35-1/NAVELEX 0967-432-3020
under the module. A similar pad should be fast-
3-7. Repair of C-2299/VRC
ened to the cover. (The pads prevent the module
Repair parts for the C-2299/VRC are listed in
from vibrating during motion of the vehicle.)
appendix C.
Carefully position the replacement module pins in
line with the receptacle, press the module in place,
a. Replace the front panel knobs as required.
and tighten the mounting bracket screws.
Check to see that the nuts holding the knobs and
the locknuts holding the cable receptacles are
c. Inspect the parts inside the box for loose
secured tightly.
parts -and damaged wiring; tighten all screws
and nuts. Before replacing the back cover, apply
b. To replace microphone amplifier module A80
a light coating of insulating silicon compound
(A, fig. 2-6), remove the back cover from the
(FSN 6850-880-7616), or equal, to the preformed
box. Loosen the screws holding the module
packing in the back cover. Replace the back cover
bracket and carefully remove the module. Check
and tighten the captive screws.
to see that the rubber pad is fastened to the stud
Section III.
facilities includes complete repair of the unit
3-8. General
and overhaul as required. It also includes check-
Maintenance of the C-2299/VRC at depot l e v e l
ing the performance of the repaired equipment
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