| ![]() c. Faulty Parts Location.
(1) Connect A16 to a 12-volt, dc-power
source. Measure the voltages at
the points outlined in the chart in
(2) below. Compare them with the
normal dc voltages listed.
Note: Measure all voltages to ground.
(2) Dc voltage chart.
(3) Remove the module extender.
a. Preparation.
Figure 67, Module A15, parts location.
(1) Prepare the following equipment:
(a) Multimeter ME-26B/U.
(receptacle for A16) and insert A16
into the module extender.
(2) Prepare Multimeter ME-26B/U.
(3) Set the front panel controls of the
receiver-transmitter as follows:
(a) BAND switch at 30-52.
(b) Tuning knobs to 30.00 mc.
(c) Function switch at ON.
b. Output Voltage Test.
(1) Connect the ME-26B/U between
pins C and D of A16J1, and note the
(2) Connect the ME-26B/U between
A16J2 and ground. The ME-26B/U
should indicate the same voltage as
that in (1) above.
(3) Connect the ME-26B/U between
pins F and D of A16J1. With exactly
+10 volts input, the ME-26B/U
should indicate +9.5 volts dc 0.5.
With a +15 volts dc input 0, the
ME-26B/U should indicate +10
volts dc 0.5.
(4) Connect the ME-26B/U between
A16J3 and ground. The ME-26B/U
should provide the same indica-
tions as given in (3) above.
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