| ![]() consisting of capacitors C10 and
network contributes a stability f actor about
C11 and inductor L1 prevent rf
40 times greater than that of a free-run-
leakage into the +10-volt dc supply.
ning oscillator.
The rf output from Q2 can be meas-
a. Sidestep Oscillator Module.
ured at test jack J2.
(1) The audio signal from speech am-
b. Quarter-Wave Network Module A19.
plifier limiter module A22 (para
(1) The quarter-wave network is made
up of two pi-networks: one for the
coupling capacitor C6 and isolating
high band and one for the low band.
resistors R8 and R7, across diode
Each network has a crystal which
CR1. Diode CR1 is a variable ca-
is used to control the sso fre-
pacitance diode. When the audio
quency. BAND switch S4 (fig. 88)
signal is applied across the diode,
on the front panel s e 1 e c ts the
the effective capacitance of CR1
proper network.
changes as the voltage across it
(2) E a c h network is an artificial
varies. These capacitance changes
quarter-wave line. An impedance
are coupled through capacitor C4,
or reactance atone end is reflected
which blocks the audio signal,
as the exact opposite at the other
across the sso tuned circuit con-
end. This permits the use of a low-
sisting of inductor T1 and capaci-
impedance crystal with the high-
tor C4. The effective capacitance
impedance tank circuit in the sso.
of the tuned circuit, and the output
If the crystal were connected di-
frequency, varies at the audio rate;
rectly into the tuned circuit, devia-
therefore, the output frequency of
tion of the sso frequency would not
the sso is frequency-modulated.
be possible. Inductors L1 and L2
(2) The ac component of the emitter
are used to control the amount of
current flows through part of T1,
coupling between the crystal and
coupling capacitor Cl, and swamp-
the tuned circuit.
ing resistor R2 to the emitter of
Q1. This signal induces an in-phase
voltage at the top of T1 which is
coupled through coupling capacitor
C2 to the base of Q1 to sustain os-
cillation. Resistors R3 and R4 pro-
Variable frequency oscillator (vfo) Q1
vide base-to-emitter bias for Q1.
functions as the local oscillator during re-
ception and as the master oscillator during
Resistor R1 is the emitter load
resistor. Resistors R5 and R6 es-
transmission. The vfo is a modified Hartley
tablish a dc bias for CR1. Capacitor
type that generates a signal in the fre-
C5 is an rf bypass capacitor for
quency range of 41.45 mc to 64.45 mc. The
tank circuit for Q1 receives an automatic
the audio input circuit.
phase control (ape) dc voltage from module
(3) The frequency-modulated rf output
from the oscillator tuned circuit
All (para 29). The apc voltage is applied
to capacitance diode CR1. The effective
is coupled from a tap on T1 through
capacitance of CR1 varies with the voltage
capacitor C7 to the base of buffer
applied to it. Capacitance diode CR1 is
Q2. The buffer stage isolates the
connected across the vfo tank. Any vfo out-
sso from load variations. The buf-
fer output is developed across the
put frequency deviation will develop an er-
ror signal and cause a change in the apc
tuned circuit consisting of trans-
voltage that will change the effective ca-
former T2 and capacitor C8. Re-
pacitance of CR1; this condition causes
sistors R9 and R10 establish the
the vfo output to return to its proper fre-
base-to-emitter bias for Q2. Re-
sistor R11 is the emitter voltage
quency. The vfo has outputs to the fss buf-
fer, the receiver mixer, and transmitter
dropping resistor; capacitor C9 is
the emitter bypass. A pi-type filter
mixer. The fss buffer provides gain,
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