| ![]() from the oscillator buffer and fss if.) is
also has an input from the 50-kc interval
compared and a control voltage is devel-
oped in the phase comparator. The control
voltage is applied through the antihunt
erates one of three frequencies: 5.55 mc,
network to the apc modulator. If a phase
5.60 mc, or 5.65 mc. The specific fre-
quency depends on the frequency selected
lock exists, the apc voltage will assume
by the kc tuning knob (50- or 100-kc in-
the reference level to maintain the vfo on
crements) and whether the RT-505/PRC-
frequency. If a phase difference exists,
an error voltage is developed in the phase
25 is receiving or transmitting. When a
50-kc channel point (37 .45, 71.25, etc) is
comparator. This error voltage varies
selected, the 50-kc interval oscillator out-
the apc voltage applied to the apc modu-
put frequency will be 5.60 mc during recep-
lator from the reference level to correct
the operating frequency of the vfo.
tion. (During reception, relay K2 causes a
frequency shift to 5.55 me.) When a 100-kc
i. If the vfo output is too far from its
channel point (37.40, 71.20, etc) is se-
proper frequency to be corrected by the
lected, the 50-kc interval oscillator output
phase comparator output, the discrimina-
frequency will be 5.65 mc, during recep-
tor (which extends the capture range of the
tion. During transmission, relay K2 causes
fss) will develop a hunt voltage, which in-
a 50-kc shift to 5.60 mc.
creases the deviation of the apc voltage.
(1) During reception, the 50-kc inter-
Since the vfo is far from its correct fre-
val oscillator output will always be
quency, the frequency of the signal applied
5.65 mc at the 100-kc channel
to the discriminator (f above) will be con-
point; during transmission, it will
siderably removed from the proper fss if.
be 5.60 mc.
(e above). The discriminator will develop
(2) During reception, the 50-kc inter-
a large error (hunt) voltage. This hunt
val oscillator output will always
voltage which is applied through the anti-
hunt network to the apc modulator, changes
be 5.60 mc at the 50-kc channel
points; during transmission, it will
the vfo output frequency to within the pull-
be 5.55 mc.
in and hold-in capabilities of the phase
h. The output of the 50-kc interval os -
comparator. The antihunt network stops
cillator (g above) is applied as a reference
the hunting action of the vfo when the phase
signal to the phase comparator. The phase
comparator has control of the vfo fre-
of the two input signals (reference signal
6. First Rf Amplifier Module A3
the power amplifier tank circuit. The out-
put of Q1 is taken from the collector
through coupling capacitor C5 and resistor
R4 to BAND switch S1. Resistor R4 sup-
First rf amplifier module A3 amplifies
presses parasitic oscillations.
the signal received from module A2 (para
b. Switch S1 is positioned by the BAND
switch on the front panel. The collector
sing1e transistor amplifier, the BAND
circuit of Q1 is tuned in each of the two
switch, and tuned output circuits.
BAND positions as follows:
a. The input signal from module A2 is
(1) Low band. Transformer T2, fixed
coupled through transformer T1 and coup-
capacitor C8, trimmer capacitor
ling capacitor C 3 to the base and emitter
C7 and tuning capacitor C2C (fig.
of transistor Q1. The center-tap of the
secondary of T1 is returned to rf ground
position of tuning capacitor C2C is
through capacitor C2. The use of the tapped
determined by the mc and kc con-
transformer input coupling neutralizes the
trols on the front panel.
stage and isolates the rf amplifier from
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