| ![]() TURN (10-pin audio connector ter-
(4) Rotate R831 clockwise until a slight
minals L and B).
decrease in voltage at test point
(4) Set the ME-30B/U to the 30-volt
J803 is.noted on the ME-26/U and
ac scale.
the AN/USM-50.
c. Procedure.
(5) Decrease the TS-382/U output to
(1) Set the TS-497/URR and the rt unit
0.05 volt ac as indicated on the ME -
to the same frequency.
30B/U. The decrease in output at
(2) Adjust the TS-497/URR for a 100-
test point J803 should be at least
microvolt output, modulated 30
3 db (approximately a 45-volt drop
percent, with a 1,000-cps signal.
if the output voltage was 150 volts).
(3) Adjust R826 (fig. 76) for a 24.5-
(6) If the decrease is more than 3 db,
volt ac indication on the ME-30B/U.
repeat the procedures in (2) and
(4) above, adjust control R831
140. S-METER Adjustment
slightly further clockwise, and re-
peat (5) above until a 3-db decrease
a. Test Equipment Required.
is noted in the procedure for (5)
(1) Signal Generator TS-497/URR.
(2) 6-db attenuator pad (supplied with
(7) If the decrease indicated inproce-
the TS-497/URR).
dure (5) above is less than 3 db,
b. Test Setup.
repeat procedure (2) above, adjust
(1) Perform the alignment test setup
control R831 slightly counter-
clockwise, and repeat the proce-
(2) Operate the rt unit on normal re-
dures in (5) above. Continue this
procedure until exactly 3-db de-
crease is noted in procedure (5)
control to 399.9 mc.
(4) Set the METER switch to S-ME-
(8) Increase the TS-382/U output to
0.4 volts ac, as indicated on ME-
(5) Connect the TS-497/URR through
30B/U. Note that the output at test
the 6-db pad to the ANT. jack on
point J803 does not increase more
the rt unit front panel.
than 2 db from the output at a 0.1-
c. Procedure.
volt ac input (approximately 40-
(1) Adjust the TS-497/URR for a 6-
volt rise if the output voltage was
microvolt rf output at 399.9 mc.
150 volts).
Slightly readjust the frequency of
the TS-497/URR for a maximum
indication on the rt unit front panel
a. Test Equipment Required.
(2) Adjust resistor R716 so that the
(1) Signal Generator TS-497/URR.
meter pointer is at the left border
(2) Electronic Voltmeter ME-30B/U.
of the area marked NORMAL on
(3) Audio test box.
the front panel meter.
(4) Six-db attenuator pad (supplied
with the TS-497/URR).
b. Test Setup.
a. Test Equipment Required.
(1) Perform the alignment test setup
(1) Signal Generator TS-497/URR.
(2) Six-db attenuator pad (supplied
(2) Connect the TS-497/URR through
with the TS-497/URR).
the 6 db pad to the ANT. jack on
b. Test Setup.
the front panel.
(1) Perform the alignment test setup
(3) Connect the ME-30B/U between
the audio test box terminals labeled
(2) Set the METER switch to S-ME-
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