| ![]() units, whichever is applicable, specified for a given
Depot Inspection Standard for Refinishing
TB SIG 355-2
group of defects of a product. It is the maximum
Repaired Signal Equipment.
allowable accidental departure from specification
Depot Inspection Standard for Moisture
TB SIG 355-3
requirements which can be tolerated.
and Fungus Resistant Treatment.
c. Defect. Any nonconformance of the unit of pro-
Depot Inspection Standard for Balancing
TB SIG 355-4
duct with specified requirements.
Rotating Parts and Assemblies.
Calibration Requirements for the Main-
TB 750-236
d. Defective Unit. A unit of product which con-
tenance of Army Material.
tains one or more defects.
Army Equipment Record Procedures.
TM 38-750
e. Critical Defect. A defect that judgement and
Organizational Maintenance Manual
TM 11-5820-518-20
experience indicate is likely to result in hazardous
(Including Repair Parts and Special
or unsafe conditions for individuals using, main-
Tools Lists): Radio Sets AN/ARC-51X
and AN/ARC-51BX.
taining, or depending on the product performance
DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual:
TM 11-5820-518-35
of the tactical function of a major end item such as a
Radio Sets AN/ARC-51X and AN/ARC-
ship, aircraft, tank, missile, or space vehicle.
f. Major Defect. A defect other than critical that
DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Repair
TM 11-5820-518-35P
could result in failure, or materially reduce the
Parts and Special Tools Lists: Radio Sets
usability of the product for its intended purpose.
AN/ARC-51BX Including Receiver
Transmitter RT-742B/ARC-51BX.
g. Minor Defect. A defect that does not materially
reduce the usability of the unit of product for its
5. Other Directives.
intended purpose, or is a departure from established
standards having little bearing on the effective
General Policies and Principles for Fur-
AR 795-17
use or operation of the unit.
nishing Army Material on a Grant Aid
h. Mechanical-Visual Inspection. An inspection
General Policies and Principles for Fur-
AR 79.5-204
by visual means to observe the item and/or packag-
nishing Defense Articles and Services
ing and packing to detect deficiencies. Mechanical-
on a Sale or Loan Basis.
visual inspection may require disassembly.
6. Inspection Criteria. a. Lot Criteria.
i. Technical Inspection. A complete functional in-
(1) Lot definition. A lot is defined as a group of
spection, including disassembly, where required,
like items from which a sample is to be drawn and
and performance testing and/or laboratory testing.
inspected to determine conformance with the ac-
4. Specifications, Technical Manuals, and Other
ceptability criteria. The following are examples:
Documents. The following documents of the latest
(a) A group of like items in storage which was
issue in effect, contain inspection and testing in-
received in a shipment with the following identical
formation, data, and instructions applicable to these
quality assurance provisions.
1 Purchase order number.
2 Data packaged or packed.
DA Pam 310-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical
3 Depot certification stamp and date.
Bulletins, Supply Manuals (types 7,8,
(b) A group of like items repaired or rebuilt
and 9), Supply Bulletins, and Lubrication
by the Maintenance Division in one production run.
(2) Lot formation. The items shall be assembled
DA Pam 310-7
U.S. Army Equipment Index of Modifica-
into identifiable lots. Each lot shall as far as prac-
tion Work Orders.
Requisitioning, Receipt, and Issue System.
ticable, consist of units of product of a single type,
Preservation, Methods of.
grade, class, size, and composition manufactured,
Parts, Materials and Processes Used in
repaired, or rebuilt at the same time and stored
Electronic Communication Equipment.
under the same conditions. It is recommended that
Marking of Electronic Items.
equipment from different limited production buys
Sampling Procedures and Tables for
Inspection by Attributes.
be placed in different lots and that the equipment
Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions,
serial numbers, by limited production buy, be used
Marking for Shipment and Storage.
as lot information criteria.
Identification Marking of U.S. Military
(3) Lot size. The lot size is the total number of
individual like items in the lot that is to be inspected.
Wired Equipment, Classification of Visual
and Mechanical Defects.
b. Sampling Procedure.
Packaging Requirements Code.
(1) Sample selection. Select samples of material
Testing of Radio Set AN/ARC-51BX for
in a way which will assure that each unit in the lot
Army Aircraft Bench, Preflight and
has an equal chance of being selected. Biased meth-
Flight Tests.
ods, such as selecting items from the same position
TB SIG 355-1
Depot Inspection Standard for Repaired
in a container, pallet or stack: taking items all from
Signal Equipment.
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