C-1 .
) repair parts for main-
This appendix provides a list of (
tenance support of the equipment. The parts along with their
descriptions are listed in tables C1 and C-2 below.
Instructions for requisitioning parts not identified by Federal
stock numbers require the following information be furnished to
the Supply Officer:
a. Manufacturer's Federal supply code number.
b. Manufacturer's identification number.
c. Manufacturer's nomenclature.
d. Any other information as listed on parts list that will aid
in identification of the item being requisitioned,
If DD Form 1348 is used, fill in all blocks except 4, 5, 6, and
Remarks field in accordance with AR 725-50. Complete form as
follows :
u. In blocks 4, 5, and 6 list manufacturer's Federal supply code
number followed by a colon and the manufacturer's part number.
b. Complete Remarks field as follows: Nomenclature of the
repair part and any other identification to assist Supply Officer
in procurement.
The reporting of errors, omissions, and recommendations for im-
proving this publication by the individual user is encouraged.
Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
Changes to Publications) and forwarded direct to Commanding
Officer, Frankford Arsenal, ATTN: AMSWE-SMFW3100, Phil-
adelphia, Pa. 19137.
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