| ![]() TM
1-1. Scope
those prescribed by DA Pam 738-750 as contained in
the Maintenance Management Update.
a. This manual covers Radiosonde Recorders AN/
b. Report of Packaging and Handling Deficien-
T M Q - 5 , AN/TMQ-5A, AN/TMQ-5B, and AN/
cies. Fill out and forward SF 364 (Report of Discrep-
TMQ-5C (fig. 1-1). Included are instructions for
ancy (ROD)) as prescribed in AR 735-11-2.
troubleshooting, testing, repair and replacement of
specified maintenance parts and calibration at orga-
nizational, direct support, general support, and de-
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP) (SF
pot maintenance levels and depot overhaul stand-
361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in Shipment
Report (DISREP) (SF361) as prescribed in AR
b. The use of an asterisk in parenthesis (*) is used
to indicate models of an item or equipment that are
sufficiently alike to be treated as a single model
throughout the manual. Thus: Radiosonde Recorder
Recommendations (EIR)
AN/TMQ-5 (*) represents Radiosonde Recorders
If your AN/TMQ-5(*) needs improvement, let u s
AN/TMQ-5, AN/TMQ-5A, AN/TMQ-5B, and AN/
know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one
TMQ-5C. Rawin set AN/GMD-1 (*) represents AN/
who can tell us what you don't like about your equip-
and AN/GMD-1B;
ment. Let us know why you don't like the design. Tell
Humidity-Temperature CP-223 (*)/UM represents
us why a procedure is hard to perform. Put it on an
CP-223B/U M and CP-223C/UM; Control Panel
SF 368 (Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to Com-
C-834 (*)/TMQ-5 represents C-834/TMQ-5 and
mander, US Army Communications-Electronics Com-
C-834A/TMQ-5; Signal Data Converter CV-146 (*)/
mand and Fort Monmouth, ATTN: AMSEL-ME-MP,
TMQ-5 represents CV-146/TMQ-5 and CV-146A/
Fort Monrnouth, New Jersey 07703-5007. We'll send
T M Q - 5 ; Frequency Time Recorder RD-88(*)/
you a reply.
T M Q - 5 represents RD-88A/TMQ-5, RD-88B/
T M Q - 5 , and RD-88C/TMQ-5; Power Supply
PP-968(*) represents PP-968/TMQ-5 and
Administrative storage of' equipment issued to and
PP-968A/TMQ-5; Electrical Equipment Cabinet
used by Army activities will have preventive main-
CY-1390 (*)/TMQ-5 represents CY-1390/TMQ-5
tenance performed in accordance with the PMCS
and CY-1390A/TMQ-5.
charts before storing. When removing the equipment
c. The maintenance allocation chart is in appendix
from administrative storage, the PMCS should be
p e r f o r m e d to assure operational readiness. Dis-
assembly and repacking of equipment for shipment or
limited storage are covered in TM 740-90-1.
and Blank Forms
Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-1 to deter-
mine whether there are new editions, changes, or
Destruction of Army electronics materiel to prevent
additional publications pertaining to the equipment.
enemy usc shall be in accordance with TM 750-244-2.
Refer to TM 11-6660-204-10 for an explanation of
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
the differences between the various models and a de-
Equipment. Department of the Army forms and pro-
scription of the equipment comprising these models.
cedures used for equipment maintenance will be
Change 4
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