| ![]() o h m termination series unit. The
output end of this coaxial cable is
a BNC-type UG-88/U connector
(3) Since many jacks and plugs within
the tuning unit are rob-type minia-
ture c o a x i a 1 connectors, a type
47250 adapter (para 81) is required
f o r interconnecting the output of
t h e tuning unit 1 signal generator
t o input comector P4 of the if.
from jack J3 on the if. step atten-
b. Allow the tuning unit, the main unit,
and the tuning unit 1 signal generator to
warm up for at least 1/2 hour before start-
(5) Connect plug P4 to the type 47250
ing alignment.
a d a p t e r . This step completes the
c. Set the front panel controls as follows:
procedure for injecting the 455-kc
output of the tuning unit 1 signal
g e n e r a t o r to the input of the if.
b. Vary the output control of the tuning
unit 1 signal generator so that an onscale
indication can be seen on the DECIBELS-
M I C R O V O L T S (panel meter) of the main
Note: As tuning unit 1 is brought into alignment,
decrease the tuning unit 1 signal generator output
and the tuning unit GAIN control (i f necessary) so
t h a t the pointer on the panel meter maintains an
onscale indication.
455-kc if. amplifier is mounted within the
85. Alignment of 455-Kc If. Amplifier
tuning unit in an inverted position. Adjust
t h e variable cores of T31, T32, T33, and
T34, in this sequence, for a maximum out-
a. Rotating the band switch to band 1 or
put indication on the panel meter.
3 energizes the 455-kc if. amplifier and
d. Adjust the variable cores at the tops
r e m o v e s operating power from the 1,600-
of T29, T31, T32, and T33, in this sequence,
kc if. amplifier. Set the frequency dial of
for maximum output.
the tuning unit 1 signal generator (such as
e. Repeat the procedures given in c and
signal generator, General Radio Co., type
d above for final peak adjustments.
1001-A standard) to 455 kc. Apply the un-
f. D i s c o n n e c t p l u g P 4 f r o m t h e t y p e
modulated output of the tuning unit 1 signal
47250 adapter and reconnect P4 to jack J3
generator to the input of the if. amplifier
on the if. step attenuator.
as follows:
(1) T e r m i n a t e t h e a t t e n u a t o r o u t p u t
86. Alignment of 1,600-Kc If. Amplifier
jack of the tuning unit 1 signal gen-
e r a t o r with the type 1000-P2 40-
a. Rotating the band switch to bands 2,
o h m s e r i es unit, which is an
4 , 5, or 6 energizes the 1,600-kc if. am-
accessory supplied with the tuning
p l i f i e r and removes operating power from
unit 1 signal generator.
the 455-kc if. amplifier. The test setup is
(2) C o n n e c t the type 874-R22 coaxial
similar to that described in para 85 except
c a b l e (an accessory of the tuning
for setting the frequency dial of the signal
unit 1 signal generator) to the 40-
generator to 1,600 kc.
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