| ![]() tripod mast serves as the mounting
d. C o u p 1 e r, Antenna CU-890/URM-8~
p o s t for the CU-890/URM-85. In-
connect the signal generator from the test
s e r t the s t u d assembly at the
setup (fig. 79) and use the method of check-
bottom plate of the CU-890/URM-
i n g performance of this minor component
85 (fig. 81) all the way over the pro-
a s outlined in paragraph 43c, steps 63
truding post, and tighten the thumb
through 69, TM 11-6625-351-12.
s c r e w provided on the antenna
c o u p l e r stud assembly. Insert the
(1) In mounting the ground plane (fig.
f i v e series-connected lengths of
s e c u r e mechanical fit. Insert the
M a s t Section AB-21/GR into the
ferrule assembly at the top of the
p r o t r u d i n g post at the tip of the
t r i p o d mast through the hole pro-
CU-890/URM-85, and proceed with
v i d e d on the ground plane hinged
t h e equipment performance check-
b r a c k e t ; then secure the ground
l i s t as outlined in paragraph 43c,
steps 63 through 69, TM 11-6625-
p l a n e by rotating the two l/4-turn
fasteners on the higned bracket into
their mating spring receptacles,
(3) If trouble is encountered in testing
any one of the six bands, refer to
provided on the tripod plate. If the
t h u m b s c r e w s , one each located at
t h e schematic diagram (fig. 37),
and to the exploded view (fig. 81).
t h e ends of the antenna tilt rods
A v o i d unnecessary disassembly;
follow the exploded view and disas-
are frozen, refer to the insert view
sembly only to the extent necessary
i n the lower right corner of this
illustration for disassembly and
to correct the trouble. Possible
replacement procedures. If the
s o u r c e s of trouble are:
(a) O p e n o r s h o r t e d f e r r i t e c o r e
ground plane cannot be tilted from
i t s horizontal position on the tri-
step-down transformers T1101
pod, suspect trouble within the
t h r o u g h T1106, mounted on ter-
m i n a l board assembly TB1101.
a n t e n n a tilt bracket and refer to
(b) Band switch S1101 fails to make
t h e insert view at the left center
c o n t a c t in any or all of the six
a r e a of the illustration for disas-
p o s i t i o n s . Check for continuity
sembly a n d replacement pro-
i n all switch positions (fig. 37
N o t e : The three turnlock fastener recep-
and 81).
t a c l e s at the center of the ground plane
(c) Open circuit in the impulse gen-
a r e not used with Coupler, Antenna CU-
erator injection network, con-
890/URM-85; they are provided for use with
sisting of series resistor R1101
the di scone (broadband) antenna Also, the
t h e four tumlock fastener studs (fig. 82)
and shunt resistor R1102 (fig. 37
l o c a t e d one each at the comers of the
and 81). Do not attempt to replace
ground plane serve no mounting function;
the individual resistors; they are
they are provided for secure] y storing the
h o u s e d within green color-coded
ground plane within Case, Radio Interfer-
ence Measuring Set Group CY-3094/URM-85.
c o n n e c t o r assembly J1102 and
(2) After the ground plane has been
are inaccessible; if trouble is
s e c u r e l y mounted to the antenna
i s o l a t e d to this circuit, replace
t r i p o d , the protruding post on the
t h e entire connector assembly.
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