| ![]() Signal
Connection to
V9 second if. amplifier grid, pin 1
Defective V9. open R72 or R73: or shorted
C145, C147.
V8 first if. amplifier plate, pin 5 ----- ----- -
Defective or misaligned T31 network; open
R69, R71, R88, or K89, feedthru capacitor
C142, or coupling capacitor C144: shorted
C137, C139, or C143.
V8 first if. amplifier grid, pin 1. --------------
Defective V8: open R65 or R66; shorted
C130, C131, C135, or C136.
If. interstate transformer T29, terminal 4
Defective T29; open R42, R43, R44, R64, or
C133; shorted C129, C133.
V2 mixer plate, pin 1 - - - - - - ------ --------
Defective if. input selector (fig. 59), cable
assembly W1, or if. step attenuator AT1
and mating plug P4; shorted termination
CP3 on 455-kc if. amplifier (fig. 62);
or open R62 at input to interstate trans-
former T29.
Input jack J4 on if. output selector (fig. 63).
If 455-kc test at input jack J5 on if. output
selector checked out satisfactorily, trouble
Disconnect plug P5 from mating jack J4 and
is localized to if. output selector itself.
inject signal from external signal generator.
Isolate trouble by referring to trouble-
shooting chart (para 67) for tuning unit 1.
Defective or misaligned T28 network or ter-
V7 fourth if. amplifier plate, pin 5 -----------
mination CP2; open or shorted B+ feed-
Caution: Reconnect plug P5 to mating jack
thru capacitor C90; open R23, shorted C124;
J4 on if. output selector before starting this
or trouble in contact 2, 4, 5, or 6 (depend-
ing on band in use) and wiper (W) of MEGA-
CYCLES band switch S1 (rear).
V7 fourth if. amplifier grid, pin 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Defective V7; open R58 or R59: or shorted
C119, C122.
V6 third if. amplifier grid, pin 5 - - - - - - - - - - -
Defective or misaligned T27 network; open
R57: or shorted C117.
Defective V6; open R55 or R56; or shorted
V6 third if. amplifier grid, pin 1 -------------
C113, C115.
V5 second if. amplifier plate, pin 5 - - - - - - - - -
Defective or misaligned T25 network; open
R54; or shorted C111.
Defective V5; open R49, R52, or R53; or
V5 second if. amplifier grid, pin 1 -----------
shorted C104, feedthru capacitor C105, or
bypass capacitors C107 or C108.
V4 first if. amplifier plate, pin 5 - - - - - - - - - - -
Defective or misaligned T25 network; open
R51; or shorted C99 or C101.
- - - - - - -----
Defective V4; open R47 or R48; or shorted
V4 first if. amplifier grid, pin 1
C96 or C97.
Defective T24; open C93 or R46; open or
If. interstate transformer T24 at ungrounded
shorted feedthru capacitor C91; shorted
terminal of primary winding.
bypass capacitors C92 or C94.
V2 mixer plate, pin 1 ------ ------ ------ ---
If 455-kc test at mixer plate checked out
satisfactorily, trouble is localized to relay
K1 or interstate transformer within if. in-
put selector (fig. 59); or to selector relay
K5 within if. step attenuator AT1 (fig. 60);
open connection between jack J2 on if.
step attenuator and mating plug P3 (fig.
kc if. amplifier (fig. 61); or open R45 at
input to interstage transformer T24.
the chart below. Use the tuning unit 1 sig-
nal generator (para 65) with 400-cps mod-
pletion of the tests listed in b above shows
that the trouble is not in the if. output se-
ulation. Check each of the six bands and
lector, the 455- or 1,600-kc if. amplifier,
each of the six turret tuner segments (fig.
t h e if. step attenuator, or the if. input
p o s i t i o n by position, to correspond with
s e l e c t o r , proceed with the tests listed in
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