| ![]() transformer, with optimum coupling be-
c. V502 Oscillator Circuit. A capacity-
t w e e n primary and secondary windings.
l o a d e d half-wavelength pair of parallel
The lengths of the coaxial lines in the input
transmission lines is used in the oscillator
c i r c u i t are chosen to resonate (together
c i r c u i t . The lines are connected between
w i t h the tube interelectrode capacitances)
the plate and grid of V502 and are properly
in the 700- to 1,000-mc frequency range.
d i m e n s i o n e d to sustain oscillations over
Section A of tuning capacitor C510 loads
the required tuning range, which is 42-mc
t h e first coaxial line and provides the
higher than the incoming rf signal. Section
required tuning range; section B of capac-
D of tuning capacitor C510, mechanically
itor C510 serves the same function for the
g a n g e d with the amplifier sections, pro-
second cavity. For vernier tracking of the
v i d e s the tracking frequency range from
a m p l i f i e r with the oscillator, a metallic
7 4 2 - to 1,042-mc. Because of the con-
tab is positioned between the grounded wall
s t r u c t i o n a l difference between the ampli-
o f the coaxial-type cavity and the stator
fier and oscillator tuned lines, no metallic
p l a t e s of tuning capacitor C510, sections
t r i m m e r tab capacitor is required for the
oscillator circuit. A loop, positioned in the
A and B. Varying the position of the tab,
w i t h reference to the stator plates, per-
o s c i l l a t o r cavity, functions as an imped-
m i t s trimming the high-frequency end of
a n c e - m a t c h i n g transformer to inject os-
t h e tuning range during alignment proce-
c i l l a t o r voltage into the input circuit of
d u r e s . Capacitor C550 is the trimmer tab
c r y s t a l mixer CR501.
capacitor for the first input cavity; C560
d. Crystal Mixer Circuit. The nonlinear
is the trimmer for the second input cavity.
characteristics of a crystal diode, CR501,
Energy transfer from the second cavity to
a r e utilized for the heterodyning process
the cathode of the grounded-grid amplifier
b e c a u s e of the favorable signal-to-noise
i s obtained by coupling capacitor C501,
ratio obtained at the ultrahigh frequencies
which is connected between the stator
o f tuning unit 4. The diode produces a
plates of tuning capacitor C510B and the
number of frequencies at its output. These
conductive tube clip that supports the
a r e the two original signal and oscillator
cathode of amplifier V501.
f r e q u e n c i e s (tracked 42-mc apart), and
b. V501 Output Circuit. The amplified
their sum and difference frequencies.
rf signal at the plate of amplifier V501 is
C r y s t a l mixer coil L505 is resonated to
coupled from the conductive metallic tube
42 mc and the if, preamplifier circuit
c l i p that secures the plate of the tube
is pretuned to 42 mc; therefore, only
through a second tubular capacitor, C507,
the difference frequency is passed through
t o the stator plates of tuning capacitor
output termination CP501 and a short
C510, section C. This section of the cavity,
l e n g t h of coaxial cable to connector jack
w h i c h includes the plate of the amplifier
J507 on the 42-mc if. amplifier subassem-
a n d capacitor section C510C, constitutes
b l y . All other frequencies are bypassed
the third shorted coaxial line of 1/4-
t o ground through capacitor C508, which
w a v e l e n g t h tuning range. Similar to the
is connected to the input terminal of signal
first two tuned cavities (a above), C510C
peaking coil L508 within the crystal diode
l o a d s the single-tuned coaxial line and
compartment of the rf tuner.
provides a tuning range from 700- to
1,000-mc; C570 is the trimmer tab capac-
53. Rf Tuner, 400-700 Mc, Introduction
i t o r provided for alignment at the high-
frequency end of the band. A loop, posi-
t i o n e d near the low rf impedance area in
W i t h the front-panel band selector ro-
t h e tuned cavity, injects the amplified rf
tated to the 400-700-mc position, the signal
signal into the crystal mixer CR501 input
v o l t a g e from the main unit is connected
c i r c u i t . This loop functions as an im-
from coaxial switch S501 by cable assem-
p e d a n c e - m a t c h i n g transformer to match
bly W503 and its connector plug P503 to
the input impedance of diode CR501, which
m a t i n g jack J508 on the exterior of the
is in the order of 200- to 300-ohms.
4 0 0 - 7 0 0 - m c rf tuner.
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