| ![]() B + potential to oscillator V502.
which is anchored to the second
Feedthrough capacitor C511 pen-
p a r a l l e l 1/2-wavelength transmis-
e t r a t e s the exterior chassis wall
sion line. Pins 2 and 3 of the tube
a r e not used. The heater (pins 1
t h a t encloses the resistor R505
compartment (A, fig. 74). The B+
and 6) and the cathode (pin 7) are
voltage is reduced by R505 to the
s e c u r e d to supporting metallic
c l a m p s which prevent mechanical
p r o p e r value for tube operation.
vibration and provide secure elec-
The low-potential terminal of
trical contact to the following po-
R505 is connected to feedthrough
t e n t i a l s required for tube opera-
c a p a c i t o r C509. This capacitor
s e r v e s two functions: it pene-
trates the interior wall that sep-
(a) Heater voltage is connected from
arates the R505 compartment
t h e power supply through feed-
from the oscillator cavity; it
t h r o u g h capacitor C540, which
s i m u l t a n e o u s l y bypasses rf cur-
p e n e t r a t e s the chassis wall that
rents in the B+ supply to chassis
the crystal diode
ground. The B+ voltage is applied
CR501 compartment. A wire
through rf choke L508 to the plate
lead conducts the heater voltage
t o a second feedthrough capac-
(pin 4) of the oscillator tube.
itor, C558, which is inserted
t h r o u g h the common wall that
52. Rf Tuner, 700-1,000 Mc, Dynamic
separates the crystal diode com-
Circuit Analysis
p a r t m e n t from the fixed resistor
R 5 0 5 compartment (fig. 34). A
T h e rf incoming signal is applied to a
s e c o n d wire lead continues the
d o u b l e - t u n e d quarter-wavelength shorted
conduction path to the inner ter-
coaxial line type of cavity at the input to
m i n a l of feedthrough capacitor
rf amplifier V501. The signal is increased
C512, which isolates the 6.3-volt
i n magnitude by the amplifier and is fed
h e a t e r line from the grounded
to a s i n g 1 e-tuned quarter-wavelength
wall and is connected to rf choke
shorted coaxial line type of cavity in the
L 5 0 6 , which is mounted within
plate output circuit of V501. An impednace-
the oscillator cavity. Choke L506
m a t c h i n g transformer couples the plate
is connected to the heater (pin 1)
c a v i t y signal into crystal mixer CR501.
of V502. The 6.3-volt return path
A n oscillator which uses a tuned half-
is through pin 6 of V502 and rf
wavelength parallel transmission line also
choke L507 to chassis ground.
i n j e c t s its signal into the crystal mixer
(b) The bias for oscillator V502 is
i n p u t . As a result of heterodyning action
d e v e l o p e d by the voltage drop
w i t h i n the crystal mixer, sum and differ-
a c r o s s grid resistor R504. The
e n c e frequencies are produced. Since the
c a t h o d e (pin 7) has a dc return
if. preamplifier is tuned to the difference
p a t h to chassis ground through
frequency, t h i s h e t e r o d y n e d s i g n a l i s
rf choke L507.
passed on to the if. amplifiers for ampli-
(c) The B+, 105-volt dc potential is
f i c a t i o n , and to the detector and electro-
applied to the plate of the oscil-
meter circuit for metering and audio signal
l a t o r tube only when the band
s e l e c t o r is rotated to the 700-
1,000-mc position. This potential
a . V501 Input Circuit. T h e i n c o m n g
is applied through two rf chokes
signal is coupled into the first coaxial-type
a n d two feedthrough capacitors.
cathode input cavity at an area of low rf
The first choke, L522, is outside
impedance. A pickup loop is used to trans-
o f the tuner chassis and is in
f e r the rf energy from the first to the
s e r i e s with the switch terminal
second tuned cavity. Effectively, the tuned
on band selector S503 that applies
cavities function as a double-tuned rf
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