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Page Title: Section VI. THEORY OF TUNING UNIT 4
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v o l t a g e from the heater bus. Choke L434
(pin 4) through a decoupling net-
s e r v e s as a low-pass filter for powerline
w o r k which consists of rf choke
frequencies and a high rejection filter for
L 4 2 4 and bypass capacitor C456.
i n t e r m e d i a t e frequencies. The 6.3-volt ac
c. If. Amplifier V409 (fig. 32). The am-
is connected through feedthrough capacitor
plified if. signal at the output of V408 is
C 4 9 3 to the junction of decoupling coils
inductively coupled to the control grid of
L429 and L432.
i f . amplifier V409. This stage is essen-
t i a l l y similar to the first three if. ampli-
d. If. Cathode Follower V410 (fig. 32).
f i e r stages (b above), but differs in its
Detailed circuit analysis of the if. cathode
t u n e d plate circuit. The tuned network,
follower, which is identical in tuning units
Z403, in the output of the final if. ampli-
2, 3, and 4, appears in the description of
fier, is single tuned. No set-up trans-
tuning 2 (para 40d). The cathode follower
f o r m a t i o n s required because of the signal
is the final stage in the if. amplifier, which
g a i n produced by the previous amplifier
supplies driving power from a low-
stages.  Except for the lower value of
i m p e d a n c e source to the detectors in the
cathode bias resistor R456 and the plate-
d e t e c t o r and electrometer assembly A401.
a n d screen-dropping resistor, R457, the
circuit description is identical with that of
49. Detector and Electrometer Circuit A401
i f . amplifiers V406 through V408. The
h e a t e r circuit of V409 uses an additional
A l l tuning units employ an identical
decoupling network which isolates the 6.3-
sealed detector and electrometer as-
v o l t ac line from the if. and rf currents
sembly.  E a c h c i r c u i t a c c e p t s d r i v i n g
c i r c u l a t i n g in the tuning unit. This addi-
p o w e r from the if. amplifier, detects the
tional decoupling network consists of filter
FL402,  w h i c h c o n s i s t s o f a m e t a l l i c
s i g n a l in separate audio and dc metering
s i g n a l channels, and applies output sig-
c y l i n d e r enclosing rf choke L434. The
nals to the appropriate circuits in the main
choke is encased within the metallic
u n i t . These sealed assemblies are inter-
c y l i n d e r which penetrates the top side of
changeable with each other and perform the
t h e if, amplifier subassembly. The outer
f u n c t i o n s described in detail for detector
shield of the filter is soldered to the
grounded surface of the wall. Feedthrough
a n d electrometer circuit A1 within tuning
unit 1 (para 32 and 33).
c a p a c i t o r C494 accepts the 6.3-volt ac
50. Block Diagram for Tuning Unit 4
plifier V501 receives the incoming
rf signal which is coupled from the
The block diagram for tuning unit 4 is
main unit to coaxial switch S501. A
s h o w n in figure 33. For complete circuit
path  o f c o n t i n u i t y i s c r e a t e d
details, refer to figure 102.
t h r o u g h the coaxial switch to the
a. Rf Tuners. T w o s e p a r a t e r f t u n e r s
d o u b l e - t u n e d cavity in the input
s i d e of V501. The amplified out-
are employed in this tuning unit to house
t h e transmission-line types of rf ampli-
p u t of V501 present in its plate
cavity is coupled to a silicon diode
fiers and oscillators. One tuner covers the
f r e q u e n c y spectrum from 700- to 1,000 -
c r y s t a l mixer. Simultaneously, the
mc; another covers the spectrum from
r f energy circulating in the oscil-
4 0 0 - to 700-mc. The signal path through
lator cavity is coupled to the mixer.
e a c h tuner is similar and is described as
T h e oscillator generates a signal
follows :
t h a t tracks 42-mc higher than the
(1) Tuner,  700-1,000.  With
incoming rf signal. The mixer
s t a g e heterodynes the rf incoming
U E N C Y RANGE-MC switch S503
s e t to 700-1,000-mc, first rf am-
s i g n a l with the oscillator signal;

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