| ![]() tected signals to the threshold of audibility.
unit. This receptacle is the termi-
T h i s circuit arrangement achieves a high
nating point for the wiring harness.
degree of discrimination between the mon-
When a tuning unit is inserted into
itored signal and other interfering signals
t h e compartment provided in the
t h a t may be present. In the METERED
m a i n unit, this 20-pin connector
S L I D E B A C K position of function switch
mates the 20-pin receptacle located
S702, the output of the negative 150-volt
in the interior of the main unit tun-
p o w e r supply is applied across SLIDE-
BACK control R92 (for tuning unit 1), volt-
a g e divider resistor R709 (mounted on
33. Audio Detector VI
function switch S702), and chassis wound.
Note: For tuning unit 2, the SLIDEBACK control
Audio detector V1 is also mounted within
is R273; for tuning unit 3, the control is R473; for
t h e detector and electrometer assembly.
tuning unit 4, the control is R587.
T h e amplified if. signal, coupled through
(1) D e p e n d i n g on the position of the
t h e if. input selector, is detected by this
variable arm of this control, a
s t a g e , filtered, and fed to the main unit
n e g a t i v e voltage within the range
for audio monitoring.
from zero to approximately -35
a. Input Circuit. Input connector J1 re-
volts with respect to ground is
c e i v e s the if. signal from the if. output
p r e s e n t at terminal 13 of connec-
selector. Capacitor C6 couples this signal
tors P9 and J2.
to one plate (pin 1) of the dual diode audio
(2) T h i s negative voltage is coupled
d e t e c t o r , One diode of the audio detector
to two L-section filters, which
is not used, and its elements (pins 6 and 7)
c o n s i s t of resistors R3 and R4,
a r e connected to chassis ground.
a n d capacitors C4 and C5, con-
b. Output Circuit, without S l i d e b a c k
nected in series with the L-section
A c t i o n . Positive alternations of the in-
f i l t e r s (R1-C1 and R2-C3) which
c o m i n g signal are detected at the plate.
are tied to the plate output of the
Residual if. signal frequencies are filtered
a u d i o detector.
f r o m the detected audio signal by two
(3) T h e n e g a t i v e v o l t a g e f r o m t h e
L-section pads, which consist of resistors
SLIDEBACK control has a path of
R1 and R2, and capacitors C2 and C3. The
continuity through R4, R3, R2, and
f i l t e r e d output signal is coupled through
R 1 to bias the plate of audio de-
c a p a c i t o r C1 to terminal 14 of multipin
t e c t o r V1. Under this condition,
receptacle J2 and its mating plug P9 (when
only those incoming if. signals with
tuning unit 1 is in use) for application to
an amplitude that can override the
t h e audio amplifier in the main unit. Ca-
negative bias potential are de-
p a c i t o r s C19 and C21 bypass all rf cur-
tected. In slideback operation of the
rents in the filament circuit to ground.
t e s t set, the SLIDEBACK control
c. Output Circuit, with Slideback Action.
is rotated to that setting that per-
The SLIDEBACK control, which is mounted
mits the operator to hear the least
on the tuning unit front panel, provides a
a u d i b l e signal. This signal Is at
m e a n s of reducing the amplitude of de-
the threshold of audible sensitiviy.
34. Block Diagram of Tuning Unit 2
sembly which houses the two different
s e c t i o n s for covering the 20- to 220-mc
f r e q u e n c y spectrum in two bands. These
T h e block diagram for tuning unit 2 is
a r e as f o l l o w s :
s h o w n in figure 20, For complete circuit
details, refer to the overall schematic
(1) 2 7 - m c section. With band selector
diagram (fig. 100).
S201 set to the 20-70 mc position,
a. Rf Tuner. The rf tuner is a subas-
first rf amplifier V201 receives
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