| ![]() circuit. Resistor R224 and capacitor C235
oscillator frequency, which is 10.7 mc
p r o v i d e plate decoupling. The rf output
h i g h e r than the input signal frequency.
v o l t a g e is developed across the parallel-
T h e oscillator is resonated by tuning in-
t u n e d circuit, which consists of tuning
ductor L201D, which is mechanically cou-
inductor L207B, capacitor C236, and coil
p l e d to the inductuner sections that res-
L209. Coil L211 in the plate circuit sup-
onate the first and second rf amplifiers to
p r e s s e s parasitic oscillations. The output
t h e incoming rf signal. Oscillations are
i s coupled to the grid of the second rf
produced in the plate p a r a 1 1 e l-tuned
amplifier V205 by capacitor C237.
c i r c u i t , which consists of tuning inductor
b. Second Rf Amplifier V205. The sig-
L201D, capacitors C224, C225, and C226,
nal voltage from first rf amplifier V204 is
and coil L205. Coils L205 and L206, and
amplified by second rf amplifier V205 and
c a p a c i t o r C226 are made adjustable for
c o u p l e d to the mixer stage V206A. The
t r a c k i n g the oscillator during alignment.
input signal voltage from V204 is developed
F e e d b a c k from. the plate to the grid is
a c r o s s grid resistor R225. Cathode bias
obtained through capacitor C223. Resistor
i s developed by the voltage drop across
R215 is the grid-leak resistor. The cathode
R 2 2 6 , which is bypassed by C213A and
is connected direct to ground. Plate volt-
C 2 1 3 B . Resistor R227 lowers the screen
a g e is applied through voltage-dropping
voltage a n d i s b y p a s s e d b y c a p a c i t o r
r e s i s t o r R216 direct from section W of
C213D. Resistor R228 lowers the Q of the
b a n d selector S201A when this switch is
tuned plate circuit. Resistor R233 and ca-
i n the 20-70 mc position. The oscillator
p a c i t o r C242 provide decoupling for the
output is coupled to the grid of mixer stage
p l a t e circuit. Choke L225 and capacitor
V203A through capacitor C222.
C 2 1 3 C prevent rf currents from circulat-
i n g in the heater circuit. The rf output
37. Rf Tuner, Analysis of 70-220-Mc
v o l t a g e is developed across the parallel-
t u n e d circuit, which consists of L207C.
capacitor C243, and coil L212. Coil L213
W h e n switch S201B is set to the 70-
i n the plate circuit suppresses parasitic
2 2 0 - m c position by rotation of the band
oscillations. The rf output is coupled to the
s e l e c t o r , the signal voltage is coupled to
grid of mixer stage V206A through C244.
f i r s t rf amplifier V204 through rf trans-
former T203. The signal voltage is ampli-
38. Rf Tuner Analysis of 70-220-Mc Mixer
f i e d and coupled to second rf amplifier
and Oscillator
a. First Rf Amplifier V204. The signal
M i x e r s t a g e V 2 0 6 A receives signals
voltage from the main unit enters the
from second rf amplifier V205 and oscil-
tuning unit and is coupled to switch S201B
l a t o r V206B. The oscillator generates a
by a length of coaxial cable. When S201B
frequency that is 10.7 mc higher than the
i s in the 70-220-mc position, the signal
s i g n a l frequency. The two signals are
is applied to rf transformer T203 and
mixed within the tube, whose plate circuit
coupled to the tuned grid circuit of V204.
i s tuned to the difference frequency of
T h i s circuit consists of tuning inductor
10.7 mc.
L207A and capacitor C231. Coil L208 in
a. Mixer V206A. Signal voltages from
t h e grid circuit suppresses parasitic os-
second rf amplifier V205 and from oscil-
cillations. Cathode bias is provided by the
lator V206B are applied to the grid of the
v o l t a g e drop across R221, which is by-
m i x e r . The input voltages are developed
passed by C205A and C205B, Resistor R222
a c r o s s g r i d r e s i s t o r R229. Cathode bias
i s the screen-dropping resistor, bypassed
i s developed b y the voltage drop across
b y c a p a c i t o r C 2 0 5 D . Bypass capacitor
R 2 3 2 , which i s bypassed by C247. Re-
C205C and choke L224 prevent rf currents
s i s t e r R231 i s the screen-dropping re-
from circulating in the heater circuit. Re-
s i s t e r ; it is bypassed by capacitor C246.
sistor R223 lowers the Q of the tuned plate
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