| ![]() +150-volt bus; C78 is the t r a n s i e n t bypass
b e c a u s e of t h e inherent 6-db loss
c a p a c i t o r . The output of e i t h e r if. trans-
o f the step a t t e n u a t o r subassem-
f o r m e r T22 or T23 is coupled from jack
J6 through interconnecting cable assembly
W1 to jack Jl, on if. step attenuator AT1.
s w i t c h S701 is placed at 40, 60,
and 80 DB, both relays K3 and K4
a r e energized. This action places
28. If. Step Attenuator, Detailed Analysis
r e s i s t o r s R34 and R36 in series
with the signal path, with the other
resistors in the ladder network
T h e if. step attenuator is basically a
still retaining their shunting effect.
network of resistor pads together with two
T h e result is a 20-db increase in
relays (K3 and K4) which switch different
s i g n a l attenuation with respect to
combinations of these pads into the signal
t h e deenergized condition of both
path to achieve three steps of attenuation.
r e l a y s K3 and K4. (Actually, the
T h i s subassembly also contains a third
signal is attenuated 26 db relative
r e l a y , K5, which switches the attenuated
to the original incoming signal
if. signal to the input of either the 455-kc
level because of the inherent 6-db
or the 1,600-kc if. amplifier.
l o s s of the step attenuator subas-
a. Attenuator Action. S e r i e s r e s i s t o r s
R34 and R36, together with shunt elements
b. Relay K4 Coil Circuit. Resistor R32
R 3 3 , R35, and R37, constitute the ladder
and capacitor C87 form a decoupling net-
n e t w o r k which furnishes the desired
work for the coil of relay K4. Feedthrough
amount of attenuation to the incoming if.
capacitor C86 functions as an rf filter.
s i g n a l . Relay K4 is energized from the
- 1 5 0 - v o l t source when SIGNAL ATTEN-
c. Relay K3 Coil Circuit. Resistor R31
UATOR DB switch S701 (rear section) is
and capacitor C84 form a decoupling net-
p r o p e r l y positioned. Relay K4 is deener-
work for the coil of relay K3. Feedthrough
gized with this switch in the 0 CW ONLY
capacitor C85, connected in the -150-volt
or in the 0 SUBST. ONLY position (para
e n e r g i z i n g line, functions as an rf filter.
d. If. Sigal-Switching Relay K5. Relay
the upper contact of relay K4 and through
K5 is energized from the +150-volt source
the movable contact of relay K5 to either
when MEGACYCLES band switch S1 (rear
output jack J2 or J3. There is no resistance
section) is at 0.15-0.36 mc or 0.87-2.1 mc
in series with the signal path, but 6 db of
(band 1 or 3). In either of these positions
i n s e r t i o n loss is present because of the
o f S1, the movable contact of relay K5
shunting effect of the resistors to ground.
p r o v i d e s a path of continuity for the at-
t e n u a t e d if. signal through jack J3 and
s w i t c h S701 is rotated to 20, 40,
mating plug P4 to the input of the 455-kc
60, or 80 DB, the coil of relay K4
i f . amplifier. When band switch S1 (rear
is energized, and its movable con-
section) is rotated to positions 2, 4,5, and
t a c t creates a signal path through
6 , the +150-volt bus is disconnected and
t h e movable contact of relay K3
relay K5 is deenergized; the movable con-
( s t i l l deenergized) to the junction
t a c t of relay K5 then provides a path of
of resistors R35 and R36. Resistor
continuity for the 1,600-kc if. signal
R 3 6 is now placed in series with
through jack J2 and mating plug P3 to the
the signal path, with the remaining
input of the 1,600-kc if. amplifier.
resistors in the ladder network
p r o v i d i n g a shunting effect. This
e. Relay K5 Coil Circuit. Resistor R38
s e r i e s - p a r a l l e l network results in
and capacitor C89 form a decoupling net-
an additional 10-db loss in signal
work for the coil of relay K5. Feedthrough
amplitude. (Actually, the signal is
capacitor C88, connected in the +150-volt
a t t e n u a t e d 16 db in relative level
e n e r g i z i n g line, functions as an rf filter.
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