| ![]() (in series with R734 to ground) and
changes in current through the coil
capacitors C712, C713, and C714,
o p e r a t e s a mercury switch within
is connected in the grid-to-cathode
G 7 0 1 , which generates the 70-cps
circuit. Resistor R733 functions as
calibrating voltage by charging and
t h e grid return.
discharging a length of coaxial
cable that functions as a delay line.
(4) Dynamic circuit description. W i t h
c. Impulse Generator G701. T h i s a s -
S 7 0 5 in its ON position, regener-
sembly consists of a coil (b above) which
a t i v e voltage is coupled from the
surrounds a mercury switch, a coaxial
plate, pin 6, of V703A to the grid,
d e l a y line in series with current-limiting
pin 7, through capacitor C711 and
resistor R738, and discharge path re-
the frequency-determining net-
s i s t o r R 7 3 7 . Circuit action is described
work. The values of the frequency-
d e t e r m i n i n g elements are chosen
s o that the regenerative voltage
(1) T h e coil surrounding the mercury
will be in phase with the grid volt-
switch is part of the plate load of
a g e at approximately 70 cycles.
impulse generator driver stage
The oscillatory output at the plate,
V703B. The 70-cps voltage devel-
pin 6, is coupled through capacitor
o p e d across the coil operates the
C716 to the input of impulse gen-
m o v i n g contact at a 70-cps rate.
e r a t o r driver V703B.
W i t h the contact at its normally
o p e n (NO) position, the coaxial
b. Impulse Generator Driver Stage
d e l a y line is connected through
V 7 0 3 B . This section of the dual triode
c u r r e n t - l i m i t i n g resistor R738 and
serves as a driver for the coil of impulse
f e e d t h r o u g h capacitor C723 to a
generator G701 and as a power amplifier.
B+ voltage determined by the set-
(1) P l a t e circuit. The plate, pin 1, of
t i n g s of the series-connected im-
V703B receives B+ potential
p u l s e generator step attenuators
through the solenoid coil of G701
S707 and S708. This B+ voltage can
and v 01 t a g e-dropping resistor
b e as high as 450 volts, positive
or negative with respect to chassis
DB ABOVE 1 V/MC switch S705
ground, depending on the position
in the ON position.
o f c h ass is control POLARITY
(2) Cathode circuit. The voltage drop
switch S709 (fig. 6).
a c r o s s cathode resistor R736, at
(2) W i t h the contact at its normally
pin 3 of the tube, develops cathode
c l o s e d (NC) position, the coaxial
delay line is discharged to ground
(3) G r i d circuit. High value resistor
t h r o u g h resistor R737. The ????-
R735, connected between pin 2 of
s i e n t discharge of the dc voltage
the tube and chassis ground, is the
on the delay line produces a broad-
g r i d return.
band signal whose frequency spec-
t r u m is flat, within one-half db,
(4) Dynamic circuit description. T h e
f r o m 150 kc to 1,000 mc. This
70-cps voltage from V703A is ap-
spectrum corresponds with the
plied to the control grid, pin 2, of
frequency coverage of the test set
V 7 0 3 B . The solenoid coil of im-
and creates a usable source of
p u l s e generator G701, shunted by
c a l i b r a t i n g voltage which requires
c a p a c i t o r C717, forms the plate
no tuning of circuit elements.
l o a d . Capacitor C718 and resistor
R729 form a plate decoupling net-
(3) T h e t r a n s i e n t d i s c h a r g e o f t h e
work. Feedthrough c a p a c i t o r s
c o a x i a l delay line is de-coupled
t h r o u g h output connector P709 to
C 7 2 1 and C722 bypass transients
developed by the impulse generator
i n p u t jack J713 on coaxial relay
m e r c u r y switch contacts. The
K702 (fig. 14).
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