| ![]() c i r c u i t s and the complete tuning unit are
Minor component
(common name)
identical with those described in paragraph
Localizes magnetic field 2 0 - 1 , 0 0 0
Magnetic field
components of rf energy
probe for
o u t p u t of impulse generator G701 is in-
over the frequency
tuning units
jected into the signal pickup device, so that
range of tuning units 2
2, 3, and 4.
t h e calibrating signal path is in series
through 4.
Localizes electric field
150 kc-1 ,000
E l e c t r i c field
with the incoming rf signal under measure-
components of rf energy m c .
m e n t into the main unit and tuning unit.
over the frequent y
range of tuning units 1
Note: When operating over the range from 150 kc
through 4.
to 30 mc (with tuning unit 1), the loop or vertical
a n t e n n a must be substituted for the discone an-
b. Coaxial Relay K701 and Six-Step Sig-
nal Attenuator AT702.
a . Coupling To and From signal Pick-
(1) C o a x i a l relay K701. This relay is
up Device. Both the green color-coded and
e n e r g i z e d in the SERIES CAL &
the red color-coded rf cables are con-
O P E R A T E position of calibration
n e c t e d between the two front-panel jacks
switch S706. Under this condition,
( J 7 0 5 and J717) and the corresponding
t h e incoming rf signal is passed
jacks on the injection block. The output of
through a set of relay contacts to
impulse generator G701 is coupled through
the input signal attenuator
a set of contacts of deenergized coaxial
r e l a y K702 and through the green color-
(2) S i x - s t e p signal attenuator AT702.
coded rf cable to the input of the injection
The cartridge-type a t t e n u a t o r
block. The calibrated signal is reduced in
functions identically with that
amplitude by a 20-db fixed attenuating net-
w o r k , housed within the injection block,
output of the attenuator is coupled
before being coupled to the return path in
t h r o u g h terminal A2 of main unit
series with the rf incoming signal. (When
jack J701 to the corresponding ter-
o p e r a t i n g o v e r the frequency range of
minal of the mating tuning unit plug.
t u n i n g unit 1, either the loop or vertical
c. Tuning Unit and Indicating Circuits.
antenna is used as the signal pickup device;
The signal flow through the tuning unit and
both of these antennas have identical 20-db
i n d i c a t i n g circuits is identical with that
f i x e d attenuators housed within their
described in paragraph 3. The intensity of
bases.) The attenuated calibrated signal is
t h e incoming rf signal is read directly
coupled in series with the rf signal under
from the meter, and is added to the setting
measurement, through the red color-coded
of the SIGNAL ATTENUATOR DB control.
r f cable, to the SIGNAL INPUT jack on
For precise measurements, the loss in the
the main unit front panel.
30-foot length of rf cable is added to the
b. Signal Path. The path of the com-
c a l c u l a t i o n . I f the 500-ohm conductive
bined unkown-amplitude rf signal and the
c o u p l e r is used in the measurements, a
known-amplitude c a 1 i b r a t i n g signal
constant factor of 26-db must also be added
t h r o u g h the receiver section is identical
to the final calculation.
w i t h that described in paragraph 4. To
obtain a meter indication of the level of the
5. Series Method of Calibration
unknown signal, without the series addition
o f the calibrating signal, it is only nec-
essary to reenergize the impulse generator
t h e signal path when the discone (broad-
band) antenna is used as the signal pickup
ABOVE 1 V/MC ON-OFF switch S705 to
d e v i c e over the frequency range from 20
t h e OFF position. To obtain a meter in-
to 1,000 mc. The block diagram shows only
dication of the level of the calibrating sig-
the basic sections: the signal pickup device
n a l , it is best to reenergize the signal
and a portion of the circuits housed in the
source. If the signal source cannot be de-
main unit. The remainder of the main unit
e n e r g i z e d , an alternate procedure consists
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