| ![]() TM
talking. Talk in both directions to check the pri-
2-2. Modes of Operation
vate interphone line,
a. Three modes of operation (receiver moni-
toring, two-way voice radio, and intercommuni-
cation over the common interphone line) may be
If the MD736/A is installed in the air-
used between all C1611D/AIC control sets. In
craft, observe the preflight check pro-
addition, a fourth mode of operation (private in-
cedures in chapter 4.
terphone) may be used between any two equip-
ments specifically wired for this type of opera-
2-4. Operating Procedures
a. Starting. Turn on the power system for the
b. Any mode may be selected by a crewmember
aircraft navigation, communications, and inter-
having access to all these facilities. In some in-
phone systems and check to see that the headset-
stances, only the receiver monitoring and inter-
microphone plug (fig. 13) is inserted in the
phone communication modes are available at a
headset-microphone output jack. No other start-
particular control set. It is important to deter-
ing procedures are required.
mine which modes of operation are available be-
b. Two- Way Radio Communication. Two-way
fore attempting to operate the control unit. This
radio communication through a C1611/AIC sys-
should be done during preflight checks before the
tem is available to the pilot, copilot, and, in some
aircraft leaves the ground (para 23).
installations, to a third crewmember. To use the
c. To operate the equipment or any particular
C1611D/AIC in conjunction with the two-way
mode of operation, perform the following pro-
radio, proceed as follows:
(1) Operate the transmit-interphone selec-
tor switch to the desired transmitter position (1,
(1) Preflight checks (para 2-3).
2, 3, or 4).
(2) Starting procedure (para 2-4a).
(2) Operate the transmit-interphone talk
(3) Procedure for the desired mode of oper-
switch to the transmit position and speak into
ation (para 24).
the microphone.
(4) Stopping procedure (para 2-4.f).
(3) Adjust the volume of received signal to
a comfortable level with the VOL control.
2-3. Preflight Checks
associated radio transmitter, one at a time, by
When the transmit-interphone selector
depressing the transmit-interphone talk switch
switch is operated to position 1, 2, 3,
(external control) to the transmit position and
or 4, it connects the associated radio
operating the transmit-interphone selector switch
receiver to the headset-microphone as
on the control set sequentially to positions I, 2, 3,
well as the transmitter. Therefore, it
and 4 and listening for sidetone. (Some user's
is necessary to operate a RECEIVERS
stations, other than the pilot's or copilot's station,
1, 2, 3, or 4 switch, except when moni-
may not have access to transmitter. )
turinx more than one radio receiver.
b. Operate RECEIVERS NAV switch to ON
and listen for receiver noise to check vhf naviga-
Three methods of operation are possible. The
tion, low frequency navigation, and marker bea-
method selected by each crewmember depends on
con radio receivers.
the switches available at the interphone station.
c. Call each user's interphone station one at a
(1) Tranmitter-interphone talk switch (er-
time and ask for a reply (para 24c) to check the
tcmal control). Select one of the two following
intercommunication system, Listen for sidetone
while talking.
(a.) Operate the transmit-interphone talk
d. When the equipments wired for the private
switch to the interphone position and speak into
interphone feature are used, operate the transmit-
the microphone.
interphone selector switch to PVT and call the
other connected station wired for PVT mode
(b) Operate the transmit-interphone se-
lector switch on the control set to the INT posi-
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