| ![]() TM 11-5830-255-14
minals 7, 8, 9, and 10. The VF terminals must
the designated rack at the location it is to be
be connected as a cable pair.
(3) Perform installation check as described
(3) Fasten the unit in place with four fil-
in paragraph 2-7.
lister head screws and cup washers.
(3) Connect the station power source of 48
d. Interconnecting Wiring (fig. 2-4). All in-
volts dc to terminals 1 and 2 of TB3 the barrier
terconnections between remote units and between
type terminal strip at the rear of each unit (fig.
the remote and central intercom units are made
2-2). Connect the positive lead to terminal No.
at the station main frame (on a cross connect
1 and the negative lead to terminal No. 2.
basis). Depending upon system requirements the
following basic connection options are possible.
(1) A remote channel may be directly cross-
Make certain that the station power
connected to another remote channel without the
switch feeding the equipment is turned
central intercom unit being connected. This
mits one remote to talk directly to another re-
mote on a private line basis.
(4) Connect external cable leads to channel
A terminals 3, 4, l 5, and 6, and channel B ter-
(2) Both channels of a remote intercom
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