| ![]() TM 11-5826-257-24
2-4. Repacking
2-1. Packaging data
Repackage the equipment using reverse proce-
The radio receiver and mounting base are individ-
dure in paragraph 2-2 and figure 2-1. If the
ually packaged in separate weather-resistant, cor-
original packaging materials are not available for
rugated fiberboard cartons with all seams and
use, package the equipment as follows:
joints sealed with water-resistant, pressure-sensi-
tive tape. Each item is enclosed within a sealed
a. Place each item within a plastic bag fabri-
plastic bag and cushioned within the carton with
cated of material conforming to L-P-378. Wrap
preformed plastic molding material. A typical
the item in cellulosic cushioning material con-
packaging configuration with contents is shown
forming to PPP-B-843, type II, a minimum of 6
in figure 21. The approximate exterior dimen-
inches on all surfaces and secure the wrap with
sions of the equipment and boxes are provided in
tape conforming to PPPT-45. Place the cushioned
item within a close-fitting fiberboard box conform-
ing to PPPB-636, W5c and seal all seams and
2-2. Unpacking Instructions
joints with tape conforming to PPPT76. When
To unpack the equipment, pry off the wooden box
more than one item or set is being shipped, place
cover, open the carton, and remove the technical
a quantity of packaged items within a close-fitting
manual. Remove each individual box from the
consolidation container. Open the component
b. Substitute packaging materials may be se-
boxes. Remove the items carefully to prevent
lected from those listed in SB 38-100.
damage to the components or destruction of the
cartons, plastic bag, or internal packing material.
Do not dispose of the packaging materials.
2-5. Shipment Marking
The packed radio sets or individual items shall be
The 10 reusable containers are designed
addressed to the contractor marked as follows:
with specially performed plastic molded
inserts. These containers shall be re-
Bendix Corporation
Avionics Division
tained for use in repackaging and ship
ping between the Government and con-
2100 N.W. 62nd Street
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33310
tractor's overhaul facility.
ATTEN: CONUS Repair Service Administra-
2-3. Checking Unpacked Equipment
Reliability Improvement Warranty
a. Inspect the equipment for damage that may
M/F: Contract DAAB07-75-C-0853 For
have occurred during shipment. If the equipment
Repair and Direct Return
has been damaged, or packaging deficiencies are
discovered, fill out and forward DD Form 6.
2-6. Installation Instructions
b. Check to see that the equipment is complete
Instructions for initial installation are not part of
as listed on the packing slip. If the packing slip is
not available, check the equipment against the
this manual. Refer to paragraphs 49 and 410 for
removal and installation procedures.
items listed in table 2-1.
Table 2-1. Packaging data
Item net dimen (in.)
Carton size (in. id)
Volume (cu ft)
Weight (lb)
8.43 x 3.56 x 4.06
Receiver, Radio R-1963/ARN
Mounting Base, Electrical
12 3/8 x 8 x 25/8
Equipment, MT-4835/ARN
9.87 x 3.84 x 2.25
1 2 /8 x 8 x 11 /8
Consolidation box
13 X 85/8 X 11
Wooden box
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