| ![]() TM 11-5821-285-12-1
and abrasions with electrical tape, and tightening loose
4-1. General
nuts and bolts are to be performed when the need is
To be sure the ANIASC-15A(V)(*) is always ready for
If the equipment does not meet
operation, it must be inspected systematically so that
readiness/availability requirements, and the defect
defects may be discovered and corrected before they
cannot be remedied by the operator/crew, higher level
result in serious damage or failure. The necessary
maintenance is required.
preventive maintenance checks and services to be
performed are listed and described in tables 4-1 and 4-2.
Cover the
maintenance checks. Table 4-2 covers the periodic
maintenance check and services. The item numbers
indicate the sequence of minimum inspection
requirements. Defects discovered during operation of
the unit will be noted for future correction, to be made as
when not in
soon as operation has ceased.
Stop operations
c. Tools, Test Equipment and Supplies Required
immediately if a deficiency is noted during operation
which would damage the equipment.
Record all
Refer to appendix D for tool and test equipment
deficiencies together with the corrective action taken on
DA Form 2407.
a. Systematic Care. The procedures given in tables
Intermediate Preventive Maintenance Checks
4-1, 4-2 and 4-3 cover systematic care essential to
and Services
proper upkeep and operation of the AN/ASC-15A(V)(*).
Intermediate inspection provides verification of
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services.
satisfactory operations at intervals of approximately 25
The preventive maintenance checks and services tables
flying hours and will be performed concurrently with the
outline functions to be performed at specific intervals.
intermediate inspection performed on the aircraft in
These checks and services are designed to maintain
which the equipment is installed. The maintenance
Army equipment in a combat-serviceable and mission
interval must be adjusted to compensate for any unusual
ready condition. Routine checks and services are not
operating conditions. Intermediate maintenance must be
included. Routine services such as cleaning, dusting,
performed on equipment maintained in a standby (ready
repairing cable insulation nicks
for operation) condition concurrently with the
intermediate inspection performed on the carrying
aircraft that is in a standby condition. Equipment with a
deficiency that cannot be remedied at the organizational
level should be deadline in accordance with TM 38-750.
Table 4-1. Power-Off Inspection Procedure
Item to be Inspected Procedure
Equipment Will Be Reported Not Ready (RED) If:
Console chassis and hardware
Check concole chassis and hardward for blistered, pitted
Hardware is missing or damaged beyond use. Corrosion or
or flaking paint, bare spots, ru st, corrosion, and general
rust interferes with console operation.
condition. Use touchup paint on bare spots and places
where paint is blistered, pitted, or flaking.
FM Control
a. Clean the front panel.
Routine services such as cleaning, dusting, tightening
b. Verify that the four quick-release fasteners which secure
loose nuts, bolts, and fasteners are to be performed when
the FM control to the console are secure.
the need is obvious.
c. Verify that panel lampholders on the front panel are
d. Note that the frequency indicator window is secure and
not damaged.
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