| ![]() TM 11-5820-917-13
S e c t i o n I.
This appendix lists integral components of and basic issue items for
the R-2081/TRQ-35(V) to help you inventory items required for safe and
efficient operation.
This Components of End Item List is divided into the following sections:
Integral Components of the End Item.
S e c t i o n II.
These items, when assembled, comprise the R-2081/TRQ-35(V) and must
accompany it whenever it is transferred or turned in. T h e i l l u s t r a t i o n s
w i l l help you identify these items.
N o t applicable.
Section III.
Basic Issue Items.
Explanation of Columns
T h i s column is divided as follows:
(1) Figure number.
I n d i c a t e s the figure number of the illustration
on which the item is shown.
The number used to identify item called out i n
( 2 ) Item number.
b. National Stock Number. Indicates the National stock number
a s s i g n e d to the item and which will be used for requisitioning.
c. Part Number. Indicates the primary number used by the manu-
f a c t u r e r , which controls the design and characteristics of the item by
m e a n s of its engineering drawings, specifications, standards, and in-
s p e c t i o n requirements to identify an item or range of items. F o l -
lowing the part number, the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
(FSCM) is shown in parentheses.
Indicates the Federal item name and, if required,
d. D e s c r i p t i o n .
a minimum description to identify the item.
e. L o c a t i o n . T h e physical location of each item listed is given
i n this column. T h e lists are designed to inventory all items in
one area of the major item before moving on to an adjacent area.
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