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E f f e c t of Range on HF Propagation.
m a t e l y 2.4 MHz. T h e l-hop mode shows the characteristic splitting of the 0-mode
and X-mode. The upper part of the display shows received power vs frequency.
It can be used as an indicator of frequencies with greatest received signal
s t r e n g t h , however care must be taken in extrapolating such data if the sounder
system utilizes different antennas than the communication systems on the circuit.
7 - 2 0 . I n general, the "best" communication frequencies are those showing the
following characteristics (in order of importance):
A nearly continuous trace on the CRT throughout the band of interest,
preferably near the MOF.
b . Maximum received signal strength on the upper bar graph (some sacrifice
i n signal strength can sometimes be advisable if use of a much higher frequency
is possible).
M i n i m u m multipath propagation or total time delay spread.
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