| ![]() TM 11-5820-917-13
band gain the 4028 cover must be removed. Then the four screws which secure
the 2A1 and 2A2 assemblies to the chassis plate must be removed. Using the setup
shown in figure 5-1 with the TCS-4B and RCS- 4B synchronized, apply a -70 dBm
signal into the 6043 from the 1024. To determine the baseband gain, attach an
oscilloscope to TP2 on the 2A2A2 assembly (refer to figure 5-6), and check for a
nominal output is outside this range, remove the cover for the 2A2A 2 assembly, and
adjust R110 clockwise to increase gain or counter-clockwise to decrease gain.
adjustment (R168) are located in the AGC output amplifier of the receiver output
section (2A2A2) (figure FO-33/4). They provide position and gain control, respec-
tively, over the AGC analog output before being converted to a digitized bargraph
by the timing and control circuit ( 1A2A2) for display by the CRT. Adjustment must
be performed while the RCS-4B is synchronized (using the 1024 Unit of TCS - 4B
as test equipment). Assemble the test setup per figure 5-1. Synchronize the 1024
and 6025 and proceed with the test.
a. Set the input signal to -120dBm into ANT 1 of the 4028 (bypass the 6043
power divider). Measure signal out of Variable Attenuator' with Spectrum Analyzer.
Adjust attenuator as required.
b. Adjust offset control R161 on 2A2A2 (4028-2002) circuit card to display a
continuous line at the bottom cell of CRT AGC bargraph.
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