| ![]() TM 11-5820-917-13
Decoder truncates (does not round off) frequencies at the 100 kHz decade.
circuits that provide the RCS-4B with a bright, high resolution, digitally-
refreshed CRT display of chirp sounder record and receiver AGC voltage data.
This functional section contains three separate digital memories capable of stor-
ing three complete chirp sounder records; one for each path of the 3-path receiver
system. Each memory is organized to display 128 points for each vertical CRT
raster scan by 280 raster scan lines across the CRT. The CRT employs a high-
speed vertical raster (15 kHz) which requires 19.732 milliseconds to complete one
full picture of 280 lines plus 16 lines for the horizontal retrace. Timing control
within the CRT display circuits divides each memory into 280 segments, corre-
sponding to the 280 second sounder RF frequency sweep. Thus, each raster line
represents the data collected over one second of the receiver sweep. The data
acquired during one second of the RF sweep is processed by the spectrum
analyzer to provide propagation time delay information. Upon command of the
CRT display circuits, the spectrum analyzer outputs one spectral scan every
second, which corresponds to one vertical raster scan on the CRT display. The
spectrum analyzer outputs 200 data points during each spectrum scan which is
compressed to 100 points in the CRT display circuits. Thus, the CRT display
provides a 100 cell resolution of relative time delay data. In addition, the CRT
provides 28 points at the top of the vertical scan for receiver AGC bargraph infor-
mation. The total stored data displayed on the CRT is 128 x 280 = 35,840 bits.
All data is binary (on/off) with no gray scale information. The CRT digital
memories are continuously recirculated at high speeds (effective rate of 2.4 mega-
bits/second) to provide a flicker free display with an approximate 50-Hz refresh
rate. Due to timing limitations of the dynamic MOS shift registers used for the
memory, two parallel half size memories (called odd and even) are used. Thus
adjacent points along the 128-bit CRT vertical raster are stored alternately in the
even/odd memories (i. e. , bit positions O, 2, 4, 6. . . in the even memory and bits
1,3, 5,7... in the odd memory). These two memories are time multiplexed
such that the individual memories may be clocked at 1.2 MHz instead of 2.4 MHz.
All timing functions of the CRT display section are based on this 1.2 MHz memory
clock. Since the spectrum analyzer requires 60 milliseconds for its output scan,
temporary buffer registers are used which load the 100 bits (cells) of time delay
information from the spectrum analyzer (over a 60 millisecond period) and then
transfer this data at a 1.2 megabit rate into the main memories. Thus, while
each CRT raster line is equivalent to one spectrum analyzer output scan as far
as data content is concerned, the actual data rates are very different. The CRT
display system also provides six storable cursors which may be displayed over
any of the 280 CRT lines for ionogram reference information. The CRT is
annotated with frequency tick marks and numerical characters along the hori-
zontal axis which are generated by logic within the CRT display system.
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