| ![]() TM 11-5820-917-13
record line on CRT should move up. If this occurs, signal is properly acquired;
if not, (the trace moves down) the audible tone is the opposite mixer product of the
receiver baseband output, and the receiver timing must be advanced at the 1 milli-
second /second slip rate until the Chirp sounder record trace drops to the bottom of
the CRT and folds over about the baseline of the CRT and starts moving up the CRT
screen. When the tone is between 700 and 1200 Hz pitch, the signal should be visible
on the CRT display and in proper sync.
h. Use manual slip at 1 ms/see rate to position Chirpsounder record in center or
slightly below center of the display area on the CRT display.
i. If the Chirp signal is not acquired during the sweep, repeat entire procedure
during next programmed 5-minute period for the path.
3-19. Following the automatic or manual synchronization of a path (paragraph 3-17 or
3- 18) , the next programmed chirp record display for that path may appear vertically
displaced from its original position and may even be slightly off screen. Should this
occur, a minor manual synchronization adjustment may be made, while the sounding
is in progress. Follow these steps:
Place the MODE switch to SET 1, 2, 3 (as appropriate).
Place the SLIP RATE switch to 1 ms/sec.
Advance or retard the MANUAL SYNC until the sounder display is properly
positioned on the CRT.
d. When the display is properly positioned, return the MODE switch to PROG
position. All further soundings will be in sync.
3-20. STANDBY POWER. In the event of primary power loss, all displays will turn
off. If battery power is on, the internal clock will continue to function until primary
power is restored or the batteries discharge. The duration of the battery pack life
is dependent on ambient temperature. At 23C, life of a fully charged battery will
exceed 24 hours. At 0C, battery life may be no longer than eight hours. When
primary power is restored after an interruption, the receiver may generate a random,
out-of-sequence frequency sweep. When this sweep is completed, normal operation
will commence on the next programmed 5-minute interval.
3-22. If all receiver power is to be shut down, but time synchronization (temporarily)
maintained, make sure that the BATT switch on the 6025 is ON.
3-23. [f receiver is to be shut down with loss of time synchronization, turn BATT
switch OFF . Then, turn off power switch on the 4028 unit.
For shutdown of more than two days, the following steps should be performed:
a. For receivers with the non-rechargeable standby battery supply (P/N 6025-
1008), turn BATT switch OFF, and then turn off the 4028 power switch.
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