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TM  11-5820-890-20-2 2-6 2.1. OPERATIONAL CHECK. Continued STEP 6.    VAA RADIO AND INTERCOM INTERFACE TEST: STEPS TO PERFORM CHECKS TO MAKE ACTIONS TO TAKE 6.1 Set AM 1780  MAIN PWR to NORM. Set RT A LS 671  CB1 to ON. Connect HS to VAA J3 (RT-A) or VAA J2 (RT-B)* N/A N/A Ensure that HS is operational N/A N/A Go to Step 6.2 6.2 Perform Operational Check on radio(s) (Refer to TM 11-5820-890-20-1) Ensure radio(s) pass Operational Check? Go to Step 6.3 6.3 Connect HS to VAA J3/J2 Set RT  FCTN to SQ ON Press Push To Test * N/A N/A Test tone heard in HS N/A N/A Go to Step 6.4 6.4 Set all RT(s): FCTN to SQ ON MODE to SC   Connect HS to C 2298 J802 and to C 2297 J902 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Go to Step 6.5 6.5 Set a crewmember C 2298  MONITOR to A   Press HS PTT N/A RT A keys? N/A NO: Go to Step 6.6 YES:    Replace AM 1780 6.6 Set a crewmember C 2298  MONITOR to C Press HS PTT N/A RT B keys? N/A NO: Go to Step 6.7 YES:    Replace AM 1780 6.7 Set commander's C 2298 MONITOR to A Press HS PTT N/A RT A keys? N/A NO: Go to Step 6.8 YES:    Replace AM 1780 6.8 Set commander's C 2298 MONITOR to C Press HS PTT N/A RT B keys? N/A NO: Go to Step 6.9 YES:    Replace AM 1780 6.9 Set AM 1780  RAD TRANS to CDR ONLY Either RT keys? NO: Go to Step 6.10 YES:    Go to TS Chart 24 6.10  Set commander's C 2298  MONITOR to ALL Set RT-A  FCTN to SQ OFF Set RT-A  VOL to Full CW N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Go to Step 6.11 6.11  Listen at commander's HS Rushing noise heard? YES:    Go to Step 6.12 NO: Go to TS Chart 25 6.12  Press HS PTT RT-A keys? YES:    Go to Step 6.13 NO: Go to TS Chart 26 6.13  Press HS PTT, count into HS Sidetone heard? YES:    Go to Step 6.14 NO: Go to TS Chart 27 6.14  Set commander's C 2298  MONITOR to A Listen at commander's HS N/A Rushing noise heard? N/A YES:    Go to Step 6.15 NO: Go to TS Chart 28 6.15  Press HS PTT, count into HS RT-A keys and sidetone heard? YES:    Go to Step 6.16 NO: Replace commander's C 2298 * If VAA is an A ,C or D model disconnect W-4 cable from VAA and RT. Connect H  -250 to RT AUD/DATA.

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