| ![]() TO 31R2-2GRC171-2
TM 11-5820-815-14
NAVELEX 0967-LP-544-5010
b. Keep wires and cables away from circuits
carrying heavy currents, pulses, and other sources of
2-18. There are no special environmental considerations
for installation and operation of the RT-980/ GRC-171 or
c. Unless otherwise indicated on the installation
the C-7999/GRC-171. TheRT-980/GRC171 is convection
wiring diagram, mating connectors are designed to
cooled and is designed to operate at room ambient
accept up to #20 AWG wire size.
temperature. Minimum spacing between units is 88.9
mm (3.5 in). However, do not mount the RT-980/GRC-
d. Maximum run length between RT-980/GRC-
171 over equipment, including other Radio Receiver-
171 and C-7999/GRC-171 should not exceed 45.7 m
Transmitters RT-980/GRC171, that produce substantial
(150 ft) when using unshielded wire. When using twisted,
amounts of heat such that the ambient temperature for
shielded pairs, the cable run can be extended from 45.7
any one RT-980/ GRC-171 can rise above 60 C. The
m (150 ft) to a maximum of 305 m (1000 ft) providing the
ambient operating temperature range and other
requirements of figure FO-2, chapter 6, are met.
environmental characteristics are given in table 1-1.
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