| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
remove lamp socket from front of power supply chassis
assembly 2A1A5.
e. Replacement of Lamp Socket AIA6XDSI
(1) Replace lamp socket by forcing terminal
end of press fitted lamp socket through front of
mounting hole in power supply chassis assembly 2A1A5
and pressing lamp end until mounted snugly against
power supply chassis assembly 2AIA5 frame.
(2) Solder wires removed in step d(2) to lamp
socket terminals
(3) Mount and secure the bottom access
plate to power supply chassis assembly 2AIA5 using the
ten screws removed in step d(l).
f. Removal and Replacement of Chassis
(1) Turn power supply chassis assembly
2A1A6 upside down and remove the ten screws
securing bottom access plate to power supply chassis
assembly 2A1A6.
(2) If
replacement refer to the procedures provided in
connector contacts and proceed to step (7).
(3) If the connector requires replacement
remove the two screws, two nuts and washers securing
Figure 3-23. Terminal board 2A1A5TB1, top view,
the connector and ground lug to power supply chassis
assembly 2A1A5.
parts location.
(4) Remove connector from mounting hole
and insert replacement connector in mounting hole.
(2) Insert voltage regulator used with
Secure the replacement connector and ground lug in
replaced connector into power supply chassis assembly
place by tightening the two screws, two nuts and
2ALAS and seat its connector into replacement
washers removed in step (3).
connector. Secure the regulator with its two captive
(5) Remove a wired connector contact from
the removed connector and install in the replaced
(3) Tighten the two screws and nuts securing
connector identical contact location. Refer to paragraph
connector to power supply chassis assembly 2A1A6 and
then remove the voltage regulator.
(6) Repeat step (5) for each wired connector
(4) Solder wires removed in step b(2) to
contact until transfer of all connector contacts is
connector terminals.
(5) Mount and secure the rear shield to power
(7) Mount and secure the bottom access
supply chassis assembly 2A1A5 using the four screws
plate to power supply chassis assembly 2A1A6 using the
and associated washers removed in step b(1).
ten screws removed in step (1).
d. Removal of Lamp Socket 2A1A5XDS1 Through
(1) Insert 15/28v voltage regulator 2AlAI into
(1) Turn power supply chassis assembly
replacement power supply chassis assembly 2A1A5
2A1A5 upside down and remove the ten screws
aligning printed wiring board with guide rails located on
securing bottom access plate to power supply chassis
upper and lower portions of power supply chassis
assembly 2ALA5.
assembly 2A1A5.
Then slowly push the plug-in
(2) Tag and unsolder wires connected to
component into power supply chassis assembly 2A1A6
lamp socket being removed.
until the connector are mated.
(3) Force press fitted lamp socket through its
(2) Tighten the two captive screws on 15/ 28v
mounting hole in power supply chassis assembly 2A1A5
voltage regulator 2A1A1 securing the plug
by pressing terminal end toward mounting hole and
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