| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
the extreme rear of the crimp barrel. Bare wire strands
(g) Soft solder the outer ring to the braid
should be visible through the inspection hole.
through the cross drilled solder hole.
(h) Soft solder (or stake) the cap in place on
(e) Insert contact into the connector.
the connector.
(f) Reassemble connector hardware.
(i) Insert replacement right angle coaxial
shell contact into the connector.
d. Repair of Rectangular Connectors With Solder
e. Repair of Round Connectors With Crimp Type
Type Removable Coaxial Contacts (fig.
Removable Contacts. The military specifications (MS)
connectors use MI-C-26482 type hardware. These
solder pot contacts in combination with snap-in coaxial
connectors incorporate crimp style removable contacts.
contacts. The two types of coaxial contacts used,
The pin contacts adhere to military standard MS3192
straight coaxial shell and right angle coaxial shell, are
(A20A); the socket contacts adhere to military standard
removable. The following procedure describes how to
MS3193 (A20A). The following procedure describes
extract and insert the two types of coaxial contacts.
how to extract, crimp and insert contacts in the MS type
(1) Straight coaxial shell.
(a) Extract the defective coaxial contact from
Do not rotate or twist the extraction
the connector using extraction tool CETC6B.
tool in the connector.
(b) Unsolder the outer ring from the braid
(1) Contact extraction. Hold connector securely,
through the cross drilled solder hole and slide outer ring
pull plunger of extraction tool MS24256R20 back and
back over the cable jacket.
center tool tube over contact from the front of the
(c) Unsolder the coaxial center conductor
insulator. Using moderate pressure, insert tube into
separating the coaxial cable from the coaxial shell.
contact cavity. Steadily press plunger handle with palm
(d) Insert the cable dielectric and center
of hand until the contact is released; then, pull contact
conductor through the nex coaxial contact inner sleeve
free from the rear of connector.
with the braid on outside of sleeve.
(2) Contact replacement.
(e) Solder the cable center conductor to the
(a) Strip wire back 3/16 inch.
coaxial shell center contact.
(b) Insert stripped wire into contact crimp
(f) Slide outer ring forward until flush with
pot, wire must be visible through inspection hole.
coaxial shell confining the braid -between outer ring and
(c) Cycle the crimping tool once to be sure
inner sleeve.
the indentors are open. Insert the contact and wire into
(g) Soft solder the coax shell outer ring to the
the locator. Squeeze tool handles firmly and completely
braid through the cross drilled solder hole.
to insure a proper crimp.
(h) Insert replacement straight coaxial shell
contact into the connector.
Tool will not release unless the
(2) Right angle coaxial shell.
crimp indentors in the tool head have
(a) Extract the defective coaxial contact from
been fully actuated.
the connector using extraction tool CETC6B.
(d) Release crimped contact and wire from
(b) Unsolder the outer ring from the braid
tool. Inspect the crimped contact; be certain that the
through the cross drilled solder hole and slide outer ring
wire is visible through the contact inspection hole.
back over the cable jacket.
(e) Insert the wired contact into the rear of
(c) Unsolder and remove the access cap, and
connector insulator. Holding the connector securely,
unsolder the coaxial center conductor; separate the
position insertion tool MS24256A20 behind the contact.
coaxial cable from the coaxial shell.
Butt shoulder in tool against the back of contact in
(d) Insert the cable dielectric and center
barrel. Push tool straight into contact cavity until
conductor through the new coaxial contact inner sleeve
contact snaps into position. Assure that contact is
with the braid on the outside of sleeve.
locked by pulling lightly on the wire.
(e) Soft solder the cable center conductor to
(f) Reassemble connector hardware.
the coaxial shell center contact.
(f) Slide outer ring forward until flush with
coaxial shell confining the braid between outer ring and
inner sleeve.
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