| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
and output VSWR's are 1.25: 1 (max). The output
status panel 3A8 OSC TEMP indicator when the local
signal, at a nominal level of -20 dBm, is applied through
oscillator 3A2A3 oven is on. TP1 is colored black and
semirigid cable W3 to coaxial mixer 3A2A2.
resistors 3A2R2, 3A2R3 and potentiometer 3A2R4 form
the divider network that scales the power monitor signal
current for a test meter indication of between 60 and
b. Local oscillator 3A2A3 supplies the second input
140 (25.0 +8.0 ua) on Receiver, Radio R-
to mixer 3A2A2 for the down conversion of the RF
1467(P)A/GRC-144 meter panel assembly 2A15A2
signal to C-band range. Oscillator 3A2A3 is a voltage
meter when the power level is in the normal range. The
controlled oscillator with crystal oscillator frequency
LO POWER signal is also routed through filter 3A2FL3
control of output signal frequency in a phase-lock loop
and connector plug 3A2P1 pin 8 as an LO PWR monitor
circuit. To assure frequency stability and constant level
signal to the alarm monitor 3A1 circuits. Test point TP2
output, the dc operating voltage is internally regulated
+28 V at 3A2J2 is the +28 Vdc operating voltage
and the crystal oscillator is enclosed in a temperature
monitor point. TP2 is colored black and resistor R1
controlled oven. When BAND SELECT switch 3A2S1 is
scales the current for indication in the test meter black
in position 1, the operating frequency of 3A2A3 is 10.00
band for normal range. Readings at all the test points
GHz. When 3A2S1 is in position 2, 3A2A3 pin 7 is
are taken by means of a test lead from the test meter at
grounded at El through switch 3A2S1-2, 3A2Sl-C and
the panel of the R-1467(P)A/GRC-144.
3A2TB1 terminal 14; the frequency of A3 is then 10.02
GHz. In either case the frequency stability is 1 part in
Amplifier-Multiplier 3A5
107 per day. The output signal level is a nominal +13
dBm (11 dBm, min.; 15 dBm max.). This signal is
Amplifier-Multiplier 3A5 (fig. 5-101) performs as a C-
applied through coaxial attenuator 3A2AT1 to mixer
band to K-band up converter, converting the
3A2A2. Isolator 3A2AT1 has an attenuation of 3 dB; it
Transmitter, Radio T-1054(P)A/GRC-144 4.8 to 5.0 GHz
isolates oscillator 3A2A3 from the loading effects of
band frequency signal to 14.4 to 15.0 GHz. It is a fixed-
3A2A2 for frequency and signal level stability. The
tuned broadband amplifier and frequency multiplier.
conversion process in 3A2A2 produces a signal power
The frequency multiplier 3A5A1 (fig. 5-101.1) is
loss of 10.5 dB (max.). The output signal from 3A2A2
comprised of a frequency tripler-amplifier A1A1 and
consists of the input signals and the sum and difference
converter-regulator A1A2. The fixed tuned broadband
frequencies and their harmonics. Isolator 3A2AT2 (0.5
amplifier portion is comprised of three impatt amplifiers
and associated circuits, including current regulator 3A8.
for 3A2A2. The RF OUT signal at jack 3A2AT2J2 is
routed to a receiver. The desired operating frequency
signal (RF frequency minus local oscillator frequency) is
a. The signal at J1 RF IN is a transmit signal in the
selected by a bandpass filter in the receiver.
C-band range, at a level of +24 dBm (min.). This signal
is coupled through circulator A1A1HY1. Circulator
A1A1HY1 is a 4.8 to 5.9 GHz ferrite device that isolates
c. An oven temperature monitor in the 3A2A3
3A5A1 from the transmit circuit and acts as a
supplies a status signal at connector 3A2A3 pin 9. This
termination for the cable. The frequency tripler portion
signal is routed through filter 3A2FL2 and connector
A1A1Z1, Z2 and field effect transistor (FET) Q1 of
plug 3A2P1 pin 7 as an OSC TEMP NORM signal to
Change 6 2-135
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