| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
if an excessive temperature develops.
The circuit description for the +100 V and +28 V rectifier
circuits are provided in the following subparagraphs.
(1) Within control circuit 3A6A2 (fig. 5-105) develops a
corrective lator 3A6A2Q1 develops the pass transistor
a. +100 V Rectifier Circuits. The lO0-volt rectifier
control voltage and current limiting control signals; and
produces approximately 126 VDC. In this circuit, power
transistor stage 3A6A2Q1 provides the overvoltage trip
from transformer windings 3-4 (95 VRMS) is applied to
signal. Power to operate the control circuit is derived by
the fullwave bridge rectifier formed by diodes 3A6CR1
a bridge rectifier (A2CR1-A2CR4), which is energized by
through 3A6CR4. Parallel connected filter capacitors
a separate secondary winding (pins 3A7T1-5 and
3A6C1 through 3A6C4 smooth the rectifier ripple, and
3A7T1-6) on 3A7 transformer 3A7T1. Voltage regulator
Darlington connected transistors 3A6Q1 and 3A6Q2 act
3A6A2U1 contains a reference voltage amplifier, a
as the regulator series pass transistors.
differential error amplifier, a current limiting transistor,
controlled rectifier 3A6Q3 forms an overvoltage crowbar
and a series pass output transistor. The reference
circuit across the rectifier output terminals, pins 5, 6, 7
amplifier output of 7.15 volts appears at pin 3A6A2U1-6.
and 8 of connector 3A6P2. The crowbar circuit short-
This voltage is connected to the voltage sensing
circuits the regulated output in the event of a regulator
network formed by resistors 3A6A2R4 and 3A6A2R5,
failure, or momentary overvoltage condition. Control
potentiometer 3A6A2R3, and 6.3 volt zener diode
voltages for the series regulator and crowbar circuits are
The divider network establishes a
obtained from +100 V regulator printed wiring board
reference level at the noninverting input to the error
assembly 3A6A2 through terminals 3A6A2E3 through
amplifier (pin 3A6A2U1-5). The tap on potentiometer
3A6A2E7. The output voltage of the regulator is sensed
3A6A2R3 picks off a voltage which is proportionate to
by the control circuit through terminals 3A3E5 and
the regulator output, and therefore causes changes in
3A3E6. In turn, the control circuit (fig. 5-105) precision
the output voltage to be proportionately applied to the
voltage regu-voltage at terminal 3A3E3, which varies
inverting input (pin 3A6A2U1-4) of the error amplifier. If
the voltage across the series pass transistors (3A6Q1
a rise in output voltage occurs due to a change in load,
and 3A6Q2) so a constant output voltage is maintained.
the output of the error amplifier proportionately becomes
Resistor 3A6R2 provides a path for any low level base
more positive. This causes the series pass transistor in
to emitter current through pass transistor 3A5Q1 and
regulator 3A6A2U1 to conduct less and thereby
3A6Q2 when they are cut off. This assures that the
decreases the voltage at terminal 3A6A2E3. In turn,
pass transistors will not conduct due to noise in the
conduction through Darlington pair 3A6Q1-3A6Q2 is
control circuits. Current limiting is initiated by the action
reduced, causing the regulator output voltage to
of sensing resistor 3A6R3 which causes a voltage
decrease to the nominal level determined by the setting
representative of the load current to be applied to the
of potentiometer 3A6A2R3. Decreases in the supply
current sensing terminals (3A6A2E4 and 3A6A2E6) of
output voltage create the opposite reaction to that
the control circuit. Thermal protection for the regulator
explained above.
components is provided by switch 3A6S2. This switch
senses the heat sink temperature of the Darlington pair
(2) Foldback current limiting is provided by
between the limits of 230 and 260 degrees F, and opens
the current limiting transistor within voltage regulator
Change 6 2-133
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