| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
Z4, Z3, and Z2. With the 1000 MHz and 100 MHz
and the thumbwheel settings, the registers in 1A14A5
switches in these positions, signal B is a high (5-volt)
would divide the count pulses from 1A14A4 by 80 as
level and signal A is a low (0-volt) level (grounded
illustrated in figure 552. The count pulses are shown
through the switch section). With the 10 MHz switch set
across the top of the diagram from time T0 through
at 6, signal A is a low (0-volt) level (grounded through
T8000(T is the period of the clock pulses applied to the
the switch section) and signals B, C, D, and E are at a
registers in 1A14A4). Note that the repetition rate of the
high (6-volt) level. The preload signal sets the count
count pulses is equal to 100 periods of the clock pulses.
into register stage Z9 through Z2; the registers assume
The waveform at pin 8 (set output) of each register
the state 10101111. Assuming that the 1 MHz and 0.1
stage is shown from time T0 through T8000 Immediately
MHz thumbwheel switches are both set to 5, causing the
preceding time T0 all register stages Z2 through Z10 are
registers in 1A14A4 to contain decimal 55, the count is
zero; at T0 the negative-going count transition sets Z2
jumped from time T, to time T. The clock pulses
which, in turn, sets Z7 through Z10. When Z10 is set
applied to the registers in 1A14A4 and the count pulses
the divide-by-N output pulse starts. When Z2 is set it
applied to the register in 1A14A5 -will now decrement
conditions Z10 to be reset, and, when the output reset
the count until all registers are zero producing the
signal from variable 1 frequency divider 1A14A4 is
divide-by-N pulses from output inverter Z13 in 1A14A5.
applied to Z10 (40 time periods of the incoming if
The width of these pulses is determined by the
conditioning of pin 10 of Z10 from Z211, thereby
divide-by-N pulse. The count continues (assuming
allowing it to be reset by the output reset signal from
registers are not programmed) through time T8000 and
the cycle is repeated.
f. The following describes how the count in the
g. The divide-by-N -pulses are monitored at the
1A14A5 registers is modified by the control signals from
output register Z10 to provide lamp bias. These pulses
variable 1 frequency divider 1A14A4 and the 10 MHz,
develop a positive voltage through diode CR1 keeping
100 MHz, and 1000 MHz thumbwheel switch settings.
lamp driver Q1 conducting. With lamp driver Q1
The timing for the modified (jump) count is illustrated in
conducting, the transistor in lamp assembly DS1 is held
figure 2 20. The count pulses are shown across the top
nonconducting. When the divided-by-N signal is not
of the diagram. The count from time T0 until T500 is the
present, lamp driver Q1 becomes nonconducting and
same as described in the previous paragraph. At the
the transistor in DS1 conducts, lighting the failure
time T500, the count in the registers Z9 through Z2 is
indicator DS1 lamp red. Pressing the TEST pushbutton
11111110 which is the unique count (decimal 74). For
on the main chassis applies a 5 volt lamp test signal
this condition, the inputs to the reset enable gate Z1A
through terminal E23 and resistor R12 to the base of the
and diode CRS are all at a high (65 volt) level. Gate
transistor in DS1, causing the failure lamp DS1 to light
Z1A produces a low (0 volt) level which is the reset
enable signal applied to variable 1 frequency divider
1A14A4. Variable 1 frequency divider 1A14A4 will
Fixed Frequency Divider 1A14A6 Circuit
produce the initialize signal (a low (0-volt) level) which
Functioning (fig. 5-53)
resets Z2 and sets ZS through Z6 and Z9. One clock
pulse later variable 1 frequency divider 1A14A4 will
produce the inhibit signal (a low (0-volt) level) which is
Fixed frequency divider 1A14A6
inverted by gate Z14C and prevents Z7 from being reset
when Z2 changes state. The next clock pulse causes
variable 1 frequency divider 1A14A4 to produce the
Integrated circuit types MC932, 946,
preload signal (a high (5-volt) level) which is applied to
950, and 9002 are used.
the switch gates. The thumbwheel switch settings are
diagrams for each of these circuits
gated into the registers. This is shown in figure 2-20
are shown on figure --24.
where it is assumed that the 1000 MHz, 100 MHz and
10 MHz thumbwheel switch sections are set at 45 and 6,
a. The 8 MHz sinusoidal signal from the standard
respectively. The 1000 MHz and 100 MHz setting of 45
rf oscillator (1A14A7) is applied through pins P1-8 and
preloads decimal number 5 (binary 101) into stages Z9,
Z8, and Z7. The 10 MHz setting of 6 preloads decimal
number 6 (01111) into Johnson Counter stages Z6, Z6,
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