| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
are inverted in their associated gates and set the state
is equal to 20 periods of the incoming clock pulses (40
of associated flip-flops; for this example, the count
periods of the if output frequency from 1A14A2). The
becomes 01010101. The next incoming clock pulse will
repetition rate of the count signal at Z14C-8 is equal to
reset control flip-flop Z7 and remove the inhibit signal on
100 periods of the clock pulses (200 periods of the if
gate Z4B. Starting with the next clock pulse from Z2B,
output frequency from 1A14A2). The time from T, to
stage Z6 will start counting down. This operation
T,, is the width of the count pulse applied to variable
continues until all the register stages again reach zero.
frequency divider 1A14A6. Z18 pin 11 provides the
output reset signal which is used in 1A14A5 to control
the width.
f. The tart of the count down for stage Z6 can be
delayed by one clock period depending upon the setting
e. The registers in 1A14A5 contain the most
of the least significant bit (1) of the 0.,1 MHz switch.
significant bits and will reach their unique number before
The timing associated with this operation is shown in
the registers in 1A14A4 have reached their unique
figure 2-19. As Z611 goes to a logic one state at time
number. When the registers in 1A14A5 count down to
35, it raises Z3B-10 to logic one forcing Z5-4 to a logic
the two most significant digits of the unique number, the
zero. This conditions Z5 to be set on the next clock
reset enable signal is decoded in 1A14A5 and is applied
pulse. Therefore, the next clock pulse (time 36) from
to 1A14A4. The reset enable signal is applied as a low
Z2B-6 sets Z5-3 to a one. Since Z5-11 is zero, Z4B-4 is
(0-volt) level to NAND gate Z14A in 1A14A4. It is
also zero. For this condition, stage Z6 is stopped from
inverted to high (-volt) level and applied as one input to
counting and Z-8 remains a logic one. Z74-3 is forced
NAND gates Z3A and Z3B. At time R85 (fig. 2-18(2))
to a one on the next clock pulse. This places a one on
the count in registers Z18 (most significant bit), Z17,
Z4C-9. The next clock pulse from Z2B-6 raises Z-11l to
Z16, Z18, Z12, Z10, Z8, and Z6 (least significant) bit is
a one causing Z4B-4 to also be a logic one. This
011100100. Since control gate Z3 has been provided
imposes the following levels on Z4C; pin 10 is one, pin 9
by the reset enable signal from 1A14A5, this count,
is one. The output at Z4C-8 now depends on whether a
which is the unique number (decimal 64), will be
one or a zero condition is programmed in on Z4C-11-1
decoded by gates Z3A, Z3B and provide a logic zero
from the least significant bit (1) from the 0.1 MHz
level to Sea-. The following positive going transition
thumbwheel switch. If a logic one is programmed in,
from Z1-11 will set Z5, causing gate Z2A to produce a
Z4C-8 will go -to a zero allowing Z6-3 to switch off (logic
zero level initialize signal. The initialize signal sets all
zero) at the next clock pulse. If a zero is programmed
register states to all "ones" and is sent to 1A14A5. The
in, Z4C-8 will go to a one, thereby keeping Z6-3 at a
next count applied to Z6 by Z2B is inhibited by the one
high level when the next clock pulse occurs, and not
level applied to pin ten of Z6 by the output of NAND
changing state until the following clock pulse (T,). The
gate Z4B. However, the count transition from Z2B is
effect of the delay is to change the total count by the
applied to flip-flop Z7 which sets it. The inhibit signal
addition of two counts.
becomes a zero level that is applied to pin 3 of NAND-
gate Z4B. The next count transition applied to Z6 from
g. The count output pulses at output pin 11 of flip-
gate Z2B is, therefore, also inhibited, but it resets flip-
flop Z18 are monitored by a lamp bias circuit. A
flop Z5 and produces a zero level output from NAND
negative voltage is developed at the base of the
gate Z2C which is inverted by gate Z2D to produce a
transistor in lamp assembly DS1 by diodes CR2 and
one level preload signal. The preload signal is applied
CR8 which keeps the transistor nonconducting and the
to the switch gates in this module and in 1A14A6
failure lamp extinguished. The negative bias voltage is
causing the thumbwheel switch settings to be gated into
produced by capacitor C11 discharging through diode
the registers. This is illustrated in figure 2-18(2), where
CR8 and charging capacitor C12 in a negative direction
the assumption is made that the 1 MHz and 0.1 MHz
with respect to ground (+5V RET). If the count signal is
thumbwheel switch sections on the main chassis are
not present, the base of the transistor in lamp assembly
each set at position 5. With the switches in this position,
DS1 becomes positive through resistor R12 and the
the 4 and 1 inputs to the switch gates Z9B, Z16B and
transistor conducts, lighting the failure indicator lamp
Z4C, Z9D are a zero level (grounded through the switch
sections). The 8 and 2 inputs are not TM 11-5820-6955
grounded and are a one level (5 volt); these input levels
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