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Page Title: Radio Control-Comparator 1A12A9 Circuit Functioning
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Leading Edge Pulse Generator.  Resistor
current flow through R39 must charge capacitor C15 to
+2 volts before the output of A8 switches to low. The
R29 and capacitor C8 form a delay circuit.  The
time constant of R39, C15 is approximately 300
operation of this circuit is similar to that described for
milliseconds, so a delay of 300 milliseconds occurs after
delay circuit R39, C15 at the input of voltage
the output of A10 switches before A8 switches. If the
comparator 2 (e above).
output of A10 returns to logic zero (low) before the
output of A8 switches, capacitor C15 discharges and A8
Voltage Filtering Components.
does not switch. This delay action bridges over intervals
filtering components L1 through L4 and C17 through
in the pcm signal when many consecutive zeros occur
C24 limit the coupling of switching transients and other
and prevents a false indication of failure when the pcm
stray signals to the power supply circuits.
signal is active.
2-48.  Radio Control-Comparator 1A12A9 Circuit
Transition Detectors. Transition detectors 1
Functioning (fig 5-37)
(A9) and 2 (A10) are similar in circuit and operation to
alarm circuit 1 (A6) in cable digital processor 1A12A4
Radio control-comparator 1A12A9 contains integrated
(para 243b). The time constant for transition detector 1
circuits designated Al through A10.
Figure 5-24
(A9) is determined by R23 and C6 and is 350
provides a circuit diagram for each type of integrated
microseconds. The time constant for transition detector
circuit used. The circuits of 1A12A9 that are comprised
2 (A10) is determined by R38 and C14 and is 420
of discrete components are similar to corresponding
circuits of cable control comparator 1A12A3 and the
explanation of circuit operation is the same. Refer to
Slicers. Slicer 1 (A7) has a fixed reference
paragraph 242. The complete functional description of
voltage at pin 2, supplied by voltage divider resistors
radio control comparator 1A12A9 is provided in
R26 and R27. The supply voltages are filtered by C7
and C25.  Feedback through R28 improves circuit
stability.  Resistor R25 isolates the input of A7 and
2-49. Radio Digital Processor 1A12A10 and 1A12A16
prevents feedback from the input circuit of A7 to the low
Circuit Theory (fig. 5-38 and 5-38.1)
impedance input of Q1A. When the input signal (pin 3)
is positive with respect to the reference signal (pin 2),
The integrated circuits used in radio digital processor
the output is low (logic zero). When the input signal is
1A12A10 and 1A12A16 are shown functionally in figure
negative with respect to the reference signal, the output
5-38 for the synchronous mode and in figure 538.1 for
is high (logic one). The reference voltage provided at
the asynchronous mode. Figures 538 and 538.1 specify
pin 3 of slicer 2 by resistors R32 and R35 is adjustable.
each integrated circuit type.  Figure 5-24 provides a
It is filtered by C12. When the input signal (pin 2) of
circuit diagram for each type of integrated circuit used.
slicer 2 is positive with respect to the reference voltage
The complete functional description of radio digital
(pin 3), the output is high (logic one). When the input
processor 1A12A10 and 1A12A16 is provided in
signal is negative with respect to the reference voltage,
paragraph 2-6c and 2-6c.1.  Electrical operation of
the output is low (logic zero).
discrete piece parts is provided below.
Tuned Circuit. When the output of inverter
Cable Output Amplifier. Transistor Q1 has a
Al is low, the voltage drop across R31 is 12 volts and
fixed dc bias, determined by voltage divider L1, R2 and
capacitor C10 charges to 12 volts through the primary of
CR1, at the emitter. The primary of transformer T1 is to
T1. When the output of Al switches to high (+5 volts),
collect load impedance. Resistor R3 is a current limiter
the voltage drop across R31 is reduced by 5 volts.
to protect Q1; R4 and CR2 clamp out inductive current
Capacitor C10 discharges through R31 and the
when the signal changes from logic one to logic zero.
transformer primary to the new voltage. The voltage
When the output signal at A4C is logic one, transistor
pulse produced by this discharge is coupled to the tuned
Q1 turns on and provides a current pulse through the
circuit in the transformer secondary.  The secondary
primary of T1.  This pulse is inductively coupled into
circuit is tuned to 2304 kHz by crystal Y1. Capacitor
both  sections  of  the  secondary.
C11 is used to null the stray capacitance of the crystal
transistion of the input signal is speeded up by the +5
circuit. As the tuned circuit oscillates, the voltage drop
volt source through resistor R39 and capacitor C1.
across R36 varies at the resonant frequency. The signal
is applied to A6 through current limiting resistor R37.
Change 2-87

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