| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
RADIO T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V) AND
T-1054(P)A/GRC-144(V) CIRCUITS
sensed by Q9, which triggers Q1. When triggered, Q1
This section covers the functioning of circuits used in
short circuits the rectifier output causing the fuse in the
the T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V) and T-1054(P)A/GRC-
ac input supply to blow (this circuit is referred to as a
The coverage is presented in sequential
crowbar configuration).
reference designation order and is at the schematic
diagram level.
Circuit functioning and schematic
(1) The base of differential amplifier stage Q8
diagrams are not provided for the non-repairable
is clamped to 3.3 volts above ground by reference diode
assemblies (i.e. coaxial circulator 1HY1, directional
CR6 and diode current limiter R11. The voltage at the
coupler 1DC1, etc.). Circuit descriptions for cabinet
base of Q7 is determined by a voltage divider consisting
mounted components (metering circuits, indicators,
of R5 and either R6 or R7. Variable resistor R6 or R7 is
radio patch panel, etc.) and the nonrepairable
connected through the chassis connector jumper to the
assemblies are covered in the block diagram description
power supply positive output lead (pin 13). Resistor R6
is used to adjust the output to 5 vdc and resistor R7 is
All cabinet mounted circuits and all interconnections in
used to adjust the output to 6 vdc. Emitter resistor R9
the T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V) are shown in figure 5-15.
maintains a constant emitter current which is determined
(The T-1054(P)/CRC-144(P) circuits are shown in figure
by the reference voltage. Since R9 is the common
emitter resistor to both stages Q7 and Q8, changes in
also apply to the T-1054(P)A/GRC-144(V) unless
the operating conditions in one stage interact with the
otherwise specified.
other stage. An increase of the Q7 base voltage above
3.3 volts causes the transistor to draw higher collector
Power Supply 1A1 Circuit Functioning
current. An increase in Q7 collector current causes an
equal decrease in Q8 collector current. As a result, the-
Power supply 1A1 contains the voltage regulators
voltage across R8 increases. The voltage developed
(1A1A1 through 1A1A4 and 1A1A6 through 1A1A12)
across R8 is applied to the base of Q6 through base
which provide the dc supply and control voltages
current limiting resistor R4. Collector current in Q6
required in the T-1054/ GRC-144. Power supply chassis
increases raising the voltage across R3 and causing Q5
1A1A13 provides: (1) a connector for each voltage
to conduct more. Due to the increase In current, the
regulator, (2) an ac fuse at the input of each voltage
voltage across R2 rises and causes Q4 to conduct more.
regulator, and (3) a failure lamp and a test point at the
Since the current source for Q4 is through R1 and R16
output of each voltage regulator. Figure 5-17, power
the voltage at terminal 5 will decrease lowering the
supply 1A1 interconnecting diagram, shows the chassis
voltage at the base of Q2 and thereby decreasing its
mounted components and the voltage regulator
collector current. Transistor Q2 supplies base current to
connections. The circuit descriptions for the voltage
series regulator Q3, therefore, transistor drive is
regulators are provided in the following subparagraphs.
reduced which increases its collector to emitter voltage
drop. Thus, the voltage regulator output voltage is
5/6v Voltage Regulator 1A1A1 through
restored to the desired regulated level.
1A1A4 (fig. 2-9). The rectified dc voltage from bridge
rectifier CR1 through CR4 is filtered by capacitor C1 and
(2) An overvoltage condition is sensed by Q9.
applied to the collector of series regulator Q3. The
The emitter of Q9 is clamped 3.3 volts below the output
series regulator, controlled by differential amplifier Q7,
Voltage by reference diode CR8; resistor R15 limits the
Q8, in conjunction with amplifiers Q4, Q5, Q6 and driver
amplifier Q2, introduces a voltage drop which maintains
voltage regulation at the emitter output. An overvoltage
condition at the voltage regulator output terminal is
Change 6
2-54.1/(2-54.2 blank)
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