| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
other rf components between crystal mixer IA16-Z1 and
Transmitter, Radio T-1054(P)/ GRC-144(V)
the input to Receiver, Radio I R-1467(P)/GRC-144(V).
Primary Power Distribution (fig. 2-5)
Variable attenuator 1A16AT1 provides 0
The 115 Vac primary power is applied to the
dB attenuation when the OUTPUT level control is set to
Transmitter, Radio T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V) through AC
the HIGH position. Consequently, the input to Receiver,
POWER INPUT connector 1A15A6J18. The 115 Vac
Radio R-1467(P)/GRC-144(V) is 30 dB above threshold
input passes through line filters 1A15A6FL1 and FL2 to
or approximately -61 dBm.
the POWER ON/OFF switch S3 on meter panel
assembly 1A15A8. When the POWER ON/OFF switch
To ensure that the output pcm pulses
is set to the ON position, 115 Vac passes through the 5
from the demodulator circuits in Receiver, Radio R-
AMPS SLOBLO power fuse 1A15A8F1 and is
1467(P)/GRC-144(V) are the same polarity as the input
distributed by terminal board 1A15TB3 to transformer
pcm pulses to the modulator circuits in Transmitter,
1A15A10T1, electrical frequency synthesizer 1A14 and
Radio T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V), the T-1054(P)/GRC-
blower motor 1A15B1. The 115 Vac lines are also
144(V) must be tuned 100 MHz higher or lower than the
distributed from 1A15TB3 to connector pins IA15J20-A
R-1467(P)/GRC-144(V) operating frequency as follows:
INTERCONNECT). Connector pins 1A15J20-A, B, and
(1) If the R-1467(P)/GRC-144(V) is tuned to
C are provided for future application of Radio Set
any frequency between 4400.0 and 4699.9 MHz, the T-
AN/GRC-144(V). Refer to the Transmitter, Radio T-
1054(P)/GRC-144(V) must be set in the same band
1054(P)/GRC-144(V) interconnecting diagram (fig. 5-15)
between 4400.0 and 4699.9 MHz. For example, if the
for point-to-point primary power connections. For the
receiver carrier frequency is 4685.2 MHz, the transmitter
AN/GRC-144(V)3 and 4 configurations, 115 Vac passes
carrier frequency must be set to 4585.2 MHz (but not
to fan 1A15B1 through thermostatic switch 1A15A17S1.
4785.2 MHz) in order to operate in the radio test set.
Transmitter, Radio T-1054(P)/GRC-144(V) DC
(2) If the R-1467(P)/GRC-144(V) is tuned to
Power Distribution (fig. 5-16)
any frequency between 4700.0 and 5000.0 MHz, the T-
1054(P)/GRC-144(V) must be set in the same band
The 115 Vac input to transformer 1A15A10T1 is
between 4700.0 and 5000.0 MHz. For example, if the
stepped-down to an output voltages of 8.5, 11, 13.5, 15,
receiver carrier frequency is 4785.7 MHz, the transmitter
16, 16.5, 27.5, and 30 Vac. The ac output voltages are
carrier frequency must be set to 4885.7 MHz (but not
applied to voltage regulators in power supply 1A1. Four
4685.7 MHz) in order to operate the radio set.
5/6v voltage regulators, four 12v voltage regulators, and
three 15/28v voltage regulators are utilized. A typical
When the radio test set is not in use, 100
voltage regulator circuit is described in paragraph 2-18.
MHz radio frequency oscillator 1A2 must be turned off.
The voltage regulators provide regulated dc voltage
With the ON-OFF switch on 1A2 in the OFF position,
outputs and associated dc returns. The dc voltages and
the indicator on 1A2 is extinguished, the RADIO TEST
return lines are distributed to the plug-in assemblies and
SET indicator on the meter panel assembly 1A15A8 is
other cabinet components. Cabinet terminal board
lighted green, and the supply voltage is removed from
IA15TB3 and plate assembly terminal board 1A15TB1
the oscillator circuits in 1A2. For this condition, the test
are used to distributed certain voltages. Refer to the
signal to the R-1467(P)/GRC-144(V) is removed.
Transmitter, Radio T-1054(P)/-GRC-144(V)
Change 6
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