| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
frequency divider 1A14A6 generates a phase-lock alarm
The count down-cycle continues until all
signal and produces the two-bit correction codes for the
of the registers Z2 through Z9 contain zeros. The next
audio frequency phase error detector 1A14A3.
count pulse triggers the divide-by-eight ripple-through
counter registers Z7, Z8, and Z9 which sets the output
(2) The 8.0 MHz sinusoidal signal from
register Z10 and produces a divide-by-N ( ) pulse. At
standard radio frequency oscillator 1A14A7 is applied to
this time one of the 10 MHz registers conditions the
board A2. The 8.0 MHz signal is changed by clamp
output register Z10 to be reset. After 40 cycles of the if
diode CR1 and inverted through inverter Z15 and
output frequency signal have been counted in variable 1
applied to divider stages Z1 through Z10 and Z11
frequency divider 1A14A4 an output reset signal is sent
through Z13. These stages divide the 8 MHz signal by
to reset output register Z10 which terminates the divide-
5120 to provide the 1.5625 kHz reference signal. The
by-N pulse. At the unique count (decimal 74, 1 + 536
1.5625 kHz reference signal is applied to audio
count), the registers in 1A14A5 are in the required
frequency phase error detector 1A14A3 through output
condition to satisfy the conditions for the reset enable
register Z14 and inverter Z24.
The 1.5625 kHz
gate Z1 and a reset enable level is applied to variable 1
reference signal is also applied to fixed frequency
frequency divider 1A14A4. When the registers in
divider board A1 through output register Z14. The
variable 1 frequency divider No. 1 1A14A4 are at their
1.5625 kHz output from divider Z13 is monitored by
unique count (decimal 64, 1 + 536 count), control flip-
failure lamp DS1 through bias diode CR3 and lamp
flops Z5 and Z7 on 1A14A4 are triggered to produce the
driver Q1. For normal conditions, lamp driver Q1 is
inhibit, initialize, and preload signals (537 + 3 count).
turned on and a transistor in the lamp assembly is
The inhibit level is applied to the 10 MHz counter
turned off causing failure lamp DS1 to be extinguished.
register prevent it from accumulating a false count. The
When the 1.5625 kHz output from divider Z.1S is not
initialize pulse is applied to the registers in variable 2
present, lamp driver Q1 turns off and the transistor in
frequency divider and they are set to a count which
the lamp assembly turns on causing failure lamp DS1 to
enables the registers to be modified by the thumbwheel
light red. Pressing the TEST button on electrical
switch settings. The preload pulse is applied to all the
frequency synthesizer 1A114 front panel applies 5 vdc
register switch gates Z12 through Z14 causing the
to the lamp transistor driver causing the failure lamp to
switch gates to open. With the switch gates Z12 through
light red.
Z14 opened, the thumbwheel switch settings modify the
count in the registers. The preloaded registers then
(3) The divide-by-N signal from variable 2
count down during the next count-down cycle.
frequency divider 1A14A5 is also applied to board A1 of
1A14A6 where it is compared with the 1.5625 kHz
The divide-by-N signal is monitored by
reference signal in the phase-lock detector circuits Z16
lamp driver Q1 and if it is not within the required
through Z18. If the signals are in phase, the phase-lock
amplitude and frequency limits, the lamp bias changes
detector circuits are balanced.
For this condition
and failure lamp DS1 lights red. Pressing the TEST
(phase-loop locked), the output of the phase-lock
button on the frequency synthesizer 1A14 front panel
detector circuits is unchanged and no signals are
applies 5 volts dc directly to the lamp transistor driver
applied to inverter Z24. The output of inverter Z24 is
circuit causing the failure lamp DS1 to light red. For
applied through alarm bias diode CR1 to the failure
normal operating conditions the failure lamp DS1 is
lamp DS1 assembly and to alarm driver Q2. With no
signals applied to inverter Z24, failure lamp M1 is
extinguished (normal condition) and alarm driver Q2 is
Fixed Frequency Divider 1A14A6 Block
turned off. The output from alarm driver Q2 is applied
through main chassis low pass filter 1A14FL3 (synth
lock) to the SYNTH LOCK indicator on meter panel
(1) Fixed frequency divider 1A14A6 contains
assembly 1A15A8. With alarm driver Q2 turned off, the
two printed circuit boards A1 and A2 that perform three
SYNTH LOCK indicator lights green (normal indication).
functions: (1) the 8.0 MHz signal from the standard
If the divide-by-N pulses and the 1.6625 kHz signals are
radio frequency oscillator 1AI14A7 is divided by 5120 to
not in phase, the phase-lock detector circuits become
produce the 1.5625 kHz reference signal, (2) the 1.5625
unbalanced and squarewave pulses are applied
kHz reference signal and the divide-by-N ( ) signal
from variable 2 frequency divider 1A14A5 are
compared, and (3) if the signals are not in phase, fixed
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