| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
frequency synthesizer 1A14 front panel.
(1) Radio frequency oscillator 1A14A1
thumbwheel switches can be set between 4400.0 MHz
utilizes a voltage controlled oscillator (vco) to produce
and 5000.0 MHz to provide a divisor from 9080 to
an rf output signal in the 284.3750 MHz to 303.1250
15080. When the thumbwheel switches are set between
MHz frequency range. The specific frequency of the rf
4400.0 MHz and 4699.9 MHz, the intermediate output
output signal is determined by the vco bias signal. Two
signal from electronic frequency converter 1A14A2 is
rf output signal levels (high and low), at the same
divided by between 9080 and 15078, respectively. Each
frequency, are provided by radio frequency oscillator
0.1 MHz step in the switch changes the divisor by two;
1A14Al. The 20 milliwatt (nominal) rf output (high)
e.g., switch setting 4400 establishes division by 9080
signal is applied through electrical frequency synthesizer
and switch setting 4400.1 establishes division, by 9082.
1A14 main chassis (synth output) to the transmitter
When switches are set between 4700.0 MHz and 4999.9
frequency multiplier circuits. A detected rf output signal
MHz, the division is again between 9080 and 16078,
level (meter), derived from the rf output (high) signal is
respectively. When the switches are set to 5000 MHz,
applied through the main chassis (synth level) to the
the divisor is set at 15080. Variable 1 frequency divider
meter panel assembly 1A15A8 meter selector switch.
1A14A4 divides the if output frequency from 1A14A2 in
The 1 milliwatt (nominal) rf output (low) signal is applied
accordance with the 1 MHz and 0.1 MHz thumbwheel
to electronic frequency converter 1A14A2 (part of
switch settings. Variable 2 frequency divider 1Al4AA5
phase-lock loop circuits). The vco bias voltage input to
divides the count output from variable 1 frequency
1A14A1 is derived from a comparison of the rf output
divider 1A14A4 in accordance with the 1000 MHz, 100
(low) signal from 1A14A1 with a reference signal. A
MHz, and 10 MHz switch settings.
The variable
lamp test signal from the main chassis TEST switch is
frequency dividers divide the if output signal from
applied to test the failure lamp in 1A14A1. The failure
1A14A2 to produce the divide-by-N (N) signal. When
lamp lights when the rf output signal is not present.
phase-lock is established (rf output from 1A14A1 is
(2) Electronic frequency converter 1A14A2
exactly at the frequency indicated by the thumbwheel
converts the rf output (low) signal from 1A14Al to an
settings), the frequency of the divide-by-N pulses is
intermediate frequency (if) output signal that is
exactly 1.5625 kHz. If the thumbwheel switch settings
compatible with the digital integrated circuits in variable
are changed to a new frequency, the countdown ion the
1 and 2 frequency dividers, 1A14A4 and 1A14A5. This
variable frequency divider circuits changes causing the
is accomplished by first dividing the rf output (low)
frequency of the divide by-N pulses to change. For this
signal (284.375 MHz to 303.125 MHz) by two and then
condition (phase loop unlocked), the frequency of the
mixing the resulting frequency (142.1875 MHz to
divide-by-N pulses is not exactly 1.5625 kHz. The
151.5625 MHz) with a 128 MHz reference frequency.
divide-by N output pulses from variable 2 frequency
The 128 MHz reference signal is produced in 1A14A2 by
divider 1A!4A5 are applied to fixed frequency divider
multiplying the 8 MHz signal from standard radio
1A14A6 and audio frequency phase error detector
frequency oscillator 1A14A7 by 16. The intermediate
frequency 14.1875 MHz to 23.5625 MHz) is produced by
(4) Fixed frequency divider 1A14A6 produces
mixer circuits within 1A14A2 and is applied to variable 1
a 1.5625 kHz reference signal from the 8 MHz input
frequency divider 1A14A4.
signal from standard radio frequency oscillator 1A14A7
(3) Variable 1 frequency divider 1A14A4
and compares the 1.5625 kHz reference signal with the
operates in conjunction with variable 2 frequency divider
divide-by-N pulses received from 1A14A5. A two-bit
1A14A5 to divide the if output signal from 1A14A2.
correction signal and a phase lock signal are generated
Variable 1 frequency divider 1A14A4 has the capability
within 1A14A6 as a result of this comparison. The two-
of dividing the if output signal by 200. The divided if
bit correction signal is used in determining the vco bias
output signal (count) from 1A14A4 is applied to variable
voltage which is produced by audio frequency phase
2 frequency divider 1A14A5. Variable 2 frequency
error detector 1A14A3. The phase lock signal is applied
divider 1A14A5 has the capability of dividing the input
(synth alarm) to alarm monitor 1A5 circuits and is used
signal by 80. Thus, the variable frequency dividers
to control an alarm indicator on meter panel assembly
have the capability of dividing the if output signal from
lA15A8. If the 1.5625 kHz reference signal and the
1A14A2 by 16,000 (200 x 80). However, the maximum
divide-by-N pulses are in phase, the two-bit
division capability is not utilized. The division ratio is
established by the thumbwheel switches on the electrical
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