| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
meter panel assembly l1A16A8 to change from a green
to a red indication. The grounded alarm input signal
To Handset H-1l56/U through closed
also activates multivibrator circuit Q1-Q3.
contacts of the RING switch, peak limiter B (integrated
activated, the multivibrator alternately triggers the '1.1
circuit IA3) on 1Al3A5, and IC amplifier A2 and filter FL1
kHz oscillator Q7 on lA13A2 and the 1.6 kHz oscillator
on 1A'13A4.
Q1 on 1,A13A5 into operation. The 1.1 kHz oscillator is
To the remote telephone through
connected to the 1.6 kHz tone output of the 1.6 kHz
emitter follower Q4 on 1A13A2 and hybrid transformer
oscillator through contacts of the TEST TONE and
RING switches. The alternating 1,1/1.6 kHz tone is
To Transmitter, Radio T-1054/GRC144
distributed to the loudspeaker on meter panel assembly
through closed contacts of the RING switch, and peak
1A16A8 and to the remote telephone to provide an
limiter B, IC amplifiers A,5, A4, filter ,FL1, and
audible indication that a fault has occurred. The 1.1/1.6
transformer T1 on lAlBA16.
kHz tone is distributed to the loudspeaker by emitter
To through orderwire transmit (TO
follower Q5 and IC amplifier A2 on lAI13A2. The 1.1/1.6
CABLE) through closed contacts of the RING switch,
kHz tone is sent to the remote telephone through emitter
peak limiter B and IC amplifier A5 on 1A113A5, IC
follower Q4 on 1'A'13A2 and hybrid transformer
amplifier Al, filter ,FL1, and transformer T1 on 1A'SAS.
,lA13A7TB1Tl. Momentarily depressing the RESET
h. Test tone is generated by depressing the TEST
switch on the transmitter panel or an external AUDIBLE
TONE pushbutton switch located on the orderwire
ALARM DISABLE switch i(shelter mounted) silences
assembly front panel.
When the TEST TONE
the loudspeaker alarm by disabling multivibrator. The
pushbutton is depressed, ground is applied to the 1.1
CNTRL ALARM indicator on the meter panel assembly
kHz oscillator Q7 on 1A'18A2 causing oscillation and
1A15A8 remains lighted red indicating a fault still exists.
making 1'.1 kHz test tone available at the output of the
The CNTRL ALARM indicator will turn green only after
oscillator. The 1.'1 kHz test tone is amplified by IC
the fault is removed.
amplifier Al on lA13A2, passes through contacts of the
depressed TEST TONE switch, and is distributed as
Orderwire Assembly lA13 Fault Detection
(1) To Handset H-156/U through sidetone
amplifier Q2 on 1A1,3BA5.
a. The test circuits consist of MODULE TEST
(2) To the remote telephone through peak
selector switch 1A13A1S1, 4.02 kHz oscillator lAISAiQ1
limiter A (integrated circuit A2) on 1A13A5, IC amplifier
and IC amplifier 1A13AlAl, transformer 1Al3AlT'l, 4.02
A2 and filter FL2 on 1A13A3, and hybrid transformer
kHz monitor lAl3A1'Q2 and IC amplifier 1Al3AIA2, and
light switch assembly 1A13A1S2 which contains the
(3) To Transmitter, Radio T-1054-GRC144
MODULE TEST monitor indicator.
Figure 510 is
through peak limiter A, IC amplifiers A5 and A4, filter
arranged for left to right signal flow with the test input
FL1, and transformer T1 on 1A13A6.
circuits on the left and the test output circuits on the
(4) ro the through orderwire transmit (TO
CABI E) through peak limiter A and IC amplifier A5 on
b. With the MODULE TEST selector switch set to
lA13A,5, and IC amplifier Al, filter FL1, and transformer
position 1, the module fault detector circuits are tested.
T1 on 1A1A3.
The output of the 4.02 kHz oscillator is connected to the
4.02 kHz monitor through contacts S1,E-1 and SlE5 of
i. OR gate circuits A and B on 1A13A2 monitor
the selector switch and contacts of the MODULE TEST
summary alarm signal inputs from the R11467/RC-144
indicator press-to-test switch. The 4.02 kHz monitor
(rcvr elm), the T-1054/GRC-144 (rcvr aim), and digital
converts the 4.02 kHz signal into a dc output voltage
data modem iAi12 (pcm aim). A fault in the monitored
which biases the lamp driver in light switch assembly
equipment results in a grounded alarm input to the OR
1A1SA1S2 off: With the lamp driver biased off, the
gate circuits.
OR gate A, CR 6-CR 9, controls
MODUJ E TEST indicator is extinguished indicating
multivibrator circuit Ql'3 and OR gate BX, OR-CR5
that the fault detection circuits are operating normally.
controls transistor switch Q6. When one of the alarm
Depressing the MODULE TEST indicator (press-to-test),
input signal becomes grounded, the transistor switch is
activated causing the CNTRL .ALARM indication on
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