| ![]() TM-11-5820-695-35
CVDOW signal are DVOW bits. The CVDOW signal is
A7, the CVDOW signal is demultiplexed to obtain its two
applied to a demultiplexing flip-flop. It is clocked
components, 16 Kb/s CVOW and 2 Kb/s DOW. The
through the flip-flop by a 16 kHz signal derived from the
DVOW and DOW signals are routed to the OCU. These
32 kHz CVDOW clock. Since the clocking rate (16
output signals are monitored to generate status signal
kb/s), is one-half the CVDOW bit rate (32 kb/s), one or
OWDMX FAIL WHICH is routed to module A2. Module
the other of the two alternate sequences of bits in
A7 is used only in digital orderwire mode. A control
CVDOW is passed through the demultiplexing flip-flop.
signal from OW SEL switch lA12Sl inhibits the status
If the 16 kHz clock is phased to the wrong sequence of
signal and prevents an alarm status indication in analog
bits in CVDOW (DOW instead of DVOW), a simple 180
orderwire mode when there is no CVDOW signal.
degree phase inversion of the 16 kHz clock will phase it
(1) In the 32 kb/s CVDOW signal, alternate
to the correct bit sequence.
bits are DVOW and DOW signal bits. The sequence of
alternate bits comprising the DVOW signal is random
(e) The DOW demultiplexing process is
and unpredictable, but the sequence of alternate bits
more complex. The CVDOW signal is clocked through
comprising the DOW signal has known characteristics.
the DOW demultiplexing flip-flop by a 2 kHz clock
These characteristics of the DOW signal provide the
derived from the 32 kHz CVDOW clock. Since the
work ing basis for the demultiplexing process.
clocking rate (2 kHz) is one-sixteenth the CVDOW bit
rate (32 kb/s), only every 16th bit in CVDOW is passed
(a) The DVOW bit rate is 16 kb/s so
by the DOW demultiplexing flip-flop. To assure the
alternate bits in the 32 kb/s CVDOW signal are DVOW
correct DOW signal, the 2 kHz clock must be synced to
DOW signal transitions ((b) and (c) above). Then, for
(b) The DOW signal bit rate is 2 kb/s
DOW logic 0, Fe demultiplexing flip-flop will pass a logic
but one DOW bit is redundantly represented by eight
0 (the first bit in the redundant DOW logic 0 sequence).
consecutive alternate bits in the 32 kb/s CVDOW signal.
For logic 1, it passed a logic 1 (first bit in the redundant
(c) The redundant bit pattern for DOW
DOW logic 1 sequence).
logic 0 is 01010101, and for logic 1, the pattern is
(f) Both demultiplexing processes (s
Thus the DOW bits in CVDOW are
and (e) above depend on first establishing e correct
alternating l's and O's, except at DOW signal transitions.
phase for the 16 kHz.
At transitions from logic 0 to logic 1, there are two
(2) The CVDOW signal (P1-B, from module
consecutive l's (the last bit of the DOW logic 0 and the
A6) is inverted in U4 and applied to 5-stage shift register
first bit of the logic 1). At transitions from logic 1 to logic
U2/U1. The 32 kHz signal (P1-H, from A6) is inverted in
0, there are two consecutive O's in the DOW signal
U4 and applied to the shift register, to a divide-by-2 flip-
(remember they are alternate bits in CVDOW) mark
flop at U1-9, and to CLK input (pin 14) of up/down
DOW signal transitions because that is the only time this
counter U3. The output at U5-1 (16 kHz) is applied to
condition can occur.
pin 1 of Exclusive-OR gate U5. The signal at U5-5 is
(d) The DVOW demultiplexing process
normally logic 1. If the signal at U5-4 (and U1-3 and
is basically simple because alternate bits in the 32 kb/s
Change 6 2-24.9
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