| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
signals from DATA RATE SEL (MB) switch 1A12S4 are
used to set the operating data rate of module A5.
(4) Inputs at U2D are both normally logic 0
(1) One of four external crystals (Y1 through
and U2D-ll is logic 1. The signal at U2D-ll can go to
Y4) is used to set the operating frequency of oscillator
logic 0 only when EQPT FAIL signal is logic 1 (fault)
The selected crystal is connected into the
while LOOP TEST switch 1A12S3 is not in DGM
oscillator circuit when the corresponding control diode
position. Similarly the signal at U2A-3 is logic O only
(CR1/Yl, CR2/Y2, CR3/Y3 or CR4/Y4) is forward biased.
when FR FAIL is logic 1 (fault) while S3 is not in DGM
Circuit operation for selection of crystal Y1 is typical.
position. These two signals with the signal from U11C
When the signal at U2A-2 is logic 1 (crystal Y1 not
((2) above) are inputs to U8B. Normally U8B has three
selected), +12 vdc through R1, R6 and L1 is applied to
logic 1 inputs and U88-6 is logic 0. Signal ORTFL is
the anode of CR1. U2 is an open collector type IC, and
then logic 1 and signal IRTFL is logic 0. These signals
the logic 1 at U2A-2 is a high impedance. With a high
are routed through P1-17 and -18 to external traffic
impedance at the junction of R2 and R7, the +12 vdc is
alarm locations. If any input at U8B changes to logic 0
also applied through R2, R7, L2 and L3 to the cathode
(fault), U8B-6 changes to logic 1 and ORTFL and
of CR1. CR1 is reverse biased and crystal Y1 is
1RTFL reverse logic states. The signal from U8B-6,
isolated from the oscillator circuit. When the signal at
inverted in U11F, is routed to P1-12 (TFC OUT) and is
U2A-2 switches to logic 0 ((5) below), the junction of R2
used for test purposes only.
and R7 is grounded. Now diode CR1 is forward biased
b. Digital Interface Buffer 1A12A4 ( fig. 5-8.3 and
with the cathode connected to ground through L3, L2
5-38.6). Digital buffer interface }A12A4 receives the
and R7 but with the anode still connected to +12 vdc.
retimed, radio recovered descrambled data signal ,from
CR1 then provides a low impedance path between C8
module A3. In A4 this signal is routed to the DGM
and L7 and crystal Y1 is connected into the oscillator
normally. When in radio loopback mode, it is returned
circuit through C7 and C8. Variable inductor L7 is a
to the remote site by radio. Operation of the circuits of
trimmer used to fine tune the oscillator frequency.
A4 for these functions is explained in paragraph 2.5.1d.
Inductors L1, L2, and L3 isolate the dc control circuit of
c. Digital Traffic Retimer 1A12A5 (fig. 5-8.3 and
CR1 from the oscillator circuit. Crystals Y2, Y3, and Y4
5.38-7. The function of digital traffic retimer 1A12A5 is
are isolated by their control diodes when crystal Y1 is
to retime the SLICED DATA signal received from
selected. These crystals are selected in a similar
module A8 at P1-2 and -3. The retimed data output
manner when U2B, U2C, or U2D is switched to logic 0
signal (RCOVD DATA, P1-M) and the data clock signal
by the crystal select logic circuits.
(RCOVD TMG, Pl-12) are routed to module A4. The
(2) The frequency of oscillator U18, operating
retimed data signal (REG DATA, Pl-10) is also routed to
with selected crystal, is phase controlled by varactor
module A8. The data clock signal is synchronized to the
diode CR5. The capacitance of CR5 is controlled by a
timing of the input data signal transitions in a phase lock
dc signal generated by the phase lock loop and applied
loop. The phase lock loop and retimed data signals are
at the anode. The
monitored to generate a status signal. The status signal
(DRPLL FAIL, P1-L) is routed to module A2. Input
Change 6 2-24.3
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