| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
to the cable system through the radio-to-cable circuits
(2) Cable Traffic Failure. When loss of
the cable traffic signal (XCPCM) occurs, the output of
inverter A3E is low and lamp driver Q10 is turned off.
The low from A3E is inverted by A3F and lamp driver
Q11 is turned on. Output OCTFL is logic zero, 1CTFL is
The cable-to-radio circuits of af amplifier 1A12A6
logic one and the traffic in indicator is lighted red.
amplify the orderwire signal. The cable-to-radio circuits
of 1A12A6 are comprised of an input amplifier, a low
(3) No Functional Failure. The 1CRFAIL,
pass filter with cutoff frequency of 2000 Hz, and a power
amplifier. The amplified output cable receive orderwire
1CCFAIL and 1CRLFAIL signals are inverted by
(CCROW) of 1A12A6 is applied to the "thru ow rec"
inverters A7B, A7C and A7F, and the resulting output
input of orderwire assembly 1A13. A level detector
signals are applied to negative OR gate A1B. When
circuit at the output generates a dc voltage when the
there is no functional failure, these signals are all low
orderwire signal is active. The dc voltage is available at
(logic zero) and all inputs to A1B are high. A1B then
a test point for monitoring and testing purposes.
applies a low (logic zero) to NAND gate A4C.
Alarm Monitor Synchronous Mode 1A12A
(4) Functional Failure. If any functional
failure exists, A1B has at least one input which is low. If
alarm signals from other circuits of digital data modem
a cable traffic failure occurs, all inputs to A1B are low.
1A12 and uses logic combinations of these alarm
In either case, A1B applies a high (logic one) to A4C.
signals to generate traffic and functional alarm
indications for the radio-to-cable and cable-to radio
(5) Cable Traffic Normal-No Functional
circuits The summarized alarm signals activate green
Failure. When cable traffic is normal and there is no
and red status indicators, a major alarm relay, and
functional failure, the conditions of (1) and (3) above
control a bypass orderwire relay. The cable-to-radio
exist and operation is as follows:
circuits of alarm monitor 1A12A5 control the CABLE-
TO-RADIO MODEM indicator on meter panel assembly
(a) The inputs to A4C are low from
1A16A4 and the shelter mounted traffic in indicator.
A1B and high from A3E. The output of A4C is then
Two kinds of signals are monitored by the cable-to-radio
high, and as a result, lamp driver Q9 is turned on and
output signal 1CFFL is logic zero. The output of A4C,
inverted to a low by A3C, turns off lamp driver Q8 and
(1CRFAIL); and the cable traffic signal (XCPCM) from
output signal OCFFL is logic one. The CABLE TO
1A12A2. When a functional failure occurs in 1A12A4,
RADIO MODEM indicator is lighted green.
alarm signal 1CRLFAIL, is activated (logic one). Since
the pcm signal is processed in sequence in 1A12A2,
(b) The output of negative OR gate
1A12A3 and 1A12A4, a functional failure in 1A12A3
A2A is applied to NAND gate A2B The logic action at
causes both 1CCFAIL and 1CRLFAIL signals to switch
A2B depends on the operating mode in use. When
to logic one, and a functional failure In 1A12A2 causes
Radio Set AN/GRC-144 is being used in radio repeater
all three signals to switch to logic one. Also, if there is a
mode, the cable-to-radio circuits of digital data modem
failure of the cable traffic signal, all three functional
1A12 are not used and signal ORRM is logic zero. The
failure signals switch to logic one because each circuit
output of A2B is then always high because it is inhibited
(1A12A2, 1A12A3 and 1A12A4) then loses the pcm
by the logic zero (ORRM) at pin 5. This prevents
signal. Alarm monitor 1A12A5 uses these four inputs to
erroneous application of a cable-to-radio fault indication
the cable-to-radio circuits to distinguish which kind of
to negative OR gate A1A when in radio repeater mode.
failure has occurred, functional failure or cable traffic
When Radio Set AN/GRC-144 is being used In the
cable terminal mode, signal ORRM is logic one. NAND
gate A2B then has logic one at pin 5 and it acts as an
(1) Cable Traffic Normal. When cable
inverter for the -signal at pin 6. When a functional
traffic (XCPCM) is being detected, the output of inverter
failure occurs, negative OR gate A2A has high inputs
A3E is logic zero (high) and lamp driver Q10 is turned
from A4C and A3E and it applies a logic zero (low) to
on. The logic zero from A3E is inverted by A3F and
A2B. The low is inverted to high by A2B, and applied to
lamp driver Q11 is .turned off. Output OCTFL is logic
negative OR gate A1A This is the
one, 1CTFL is logic zero and the traffic in indicator is
lighted green.
Change 1 2-15
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