| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
cable clock output of 1A12A11. The retimed pcm and
processing. After the pcm signal, has been processed,
2304 kHz radio-to-cable clock output from 1A12A9 are
it is recombined with the orderwire signal (from
sent to radio digital processor 1A12A10. The retimed
orderwire assembly 1A13) and the cable direct current
pcm output from 1A12A9 is also applied to cable digital
and applied to the cable system The following
processor 1A12A4. Cable digital processor 1A12A4 is
discussion applies for the synchronous and
used to process the retimed pcm signal for the radio
asynchronous modes, except as follows 1. In the
repeater mode of operation (3) Radio digital processor
asynchronous mode the frequency of voltage controlled
1A12A10 reformats the retimed pcm signal for cable
oscillator 1A12A18 is 9830.4 kHz 2. The radio-to-cable
system compatibility. Radio digital processor 1A12A10
clock frequencies are 2457.6 (48-channel) and 4915.2
produces a half-baud pcm signal from the full baud
retimed pcm and the 2304 kHz radio-to-cable clock
inputs from 1A12A9. The reformatted pcm is combined
(1) Radio traffic consisting of the pcm/orderwire
in 1A12A10 with the ow and direct current signals for
signal is applied to radio digital regenerator 1A12A8 and
application to the cable system. The cable loopback
to radio amplifier detector 1A12A7. In radio digital
pcm signal is applied to radio digital processor 1A12A10
regenerator 1A12A8, the pcm signal is separated from
from cable digital processor 1A12A4 for testing
the orderwire signal. The pcm signal which is distorted
after radio transmission, is reshaped by generating
squarewave pulses under control of the input pcm
Overall Block Diagram Description of Digital
signal. The reshaped pcm signal is applied to radio
Data Combiner 1A12. (fig. 2-1.2)
control comparator 1A12A9 and radio amplifier-detector
1A12A7. Radio control comparator 1A12A9 functions in
Interface. Radio Sets AN/GRC144-V)3 and (V)4
conjunction with 4608 kHz vco 1A12A11 to generate the
signal voltage which controls the output frequency of
transmit data and orderwire signals from a local DGM
1A12A11. Radio amplifier-detector 1A12A7 uses the
(data), a local DLED, a local OCU (orderwire) and return
reshaped pcm signal (from 1A12A8) in conjunction with
signals received by radio from the remote site to the
the pcm/orderwire signal from Receiver, R-
local DGM, DLED and OCU. Digital data combiner
1467(P)/GRC-144(V) to separate the radio orderwire
1A12 is the interface between the DGM/DLED/OCU and
signal from the pcm component. The orderwire signal is
the radio set. Its function in the transmit direction is to
then applied to orderwire assembly 1A13 where it is
convert balanced input signals to TTL levels for internal
distributed to the orderwire stations and back (thru ow
send) to af amplifier 1A12A6. The ow signal is then
multiplexing, level adjustment) and route the output
transformer coupled (1A12A12A2T2) and combined with
signals to the transmitter modulator circuits. In the
the direct current and applied to radio digital processor
receive direction, digital data combiner 1A12 retimes,
1A12A10. The ow and direct current signals are
regenerates, descrambles and demultiplexes the radio
combined with the pcm signal in 1A12A10 for
received signals. At the output it converts them to
application to the cable system.
balanced signals at specified levels for routing by cable
to the local DGM, DLED and OCU. The signals are data
(2) Radio
signals to and from the local DGM and either two digital
compares the phase of the 2304 kHz radio-to-cable
orderwire signals (DOW at 2 kb/s and DVOW at 16 kb/s)
clock signal with the phase of the incoming pcm signal
or one analog orderwire signal (AVOW) The data signal
and generates a dc control voltage which is proportional
rate (in both directions) is determined at the local and
to the phase difference between the two signals. The dc
remote DGM's (both must use the same rate). When
control signal is used to correct the frequency of the
this rate has been determined, digital data combiner
4608 kHz radio-to-cable clock output of voltage
1A12 is set for the selected rate by means of the front
controlled oscillator 1A12A11 to the frequency of the
panel DATA RATE SEL (MB) switch (1A12S4). The
pcm signal. The 2304 kHz radio-to-cable clock signal is
local OCU's determine whether the orderwire signal is to
developed within 1A12A9 from the 4608 kHz radio-to-
be digital or analog, both must be
Change 6 2-8.3
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