| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
the cable is half-baud; this signal is converted to full
baud for radio transmission (fig. 5-32, waveforms B and
CTFL............................ Cable-to-radio traffic failure
CVC∅I ......................... Cable voltage controlled os-
E). In the radio-to-cable direction, the signal from
Receiver, Radio R-1467(P)/GRC-144(V) is full baud;
cillator modulation
this signal is converted to half-baud for cable
DCSPCM ..................... Cable sliced pcm data
transmission (fig. 5-38, waveform A and D).
DP ............................... Data pulse
FP ................................ Phase pulse
(3.1) In the asynchronous mode, Radio Set
FRCX ........................... Pcm/orderwire/dc
FRCX∅W..................... Orderwire/dc
AN/GRC-144 transmits and receives information in a
48-channel or 96-channel pulse code modulation
FRPCM ........................ Pcm/orderwire
system. In this mode the "to cable" (TOCX) and "from
FRFAIL ........................ From radio pcm failure
cable" (FRCX) signals are similar to the corresponding
MARY .......................... MAJOR ALARM SUMMARY
signals in the synchronous mode, except that bipolar
N2304 .......................... 2304 KHz Cable-to-radio clock
signal coding at a bit rate of 4.9152 MHz (1 baud is
NCLK ........................... Narrow clock (CTIM inverted)
N∅R ............................ To cable signal normal
203.45 nanosec) is used for the pcm component of the
signal. The cable signals (TOCX and FRCX) are
Np ................................ Negative pulse
∅W .............................. Orderwire
transmitted at the same pulse width and pulse rate for
∅WI ............................. Orderwire In
both 48-channel and 96-channel data rates When
operating at the 96-channel data rate, a 1/2-baud pulse
PP................................ Positive pulse
is transmitted for each binary 1 and succeeding pulses
R2304 .......................... 2304 kHz radio-to-cable clock
are alternately positive and negative (bipolar); when
R4608 .......................... 4608 kHz radio-to-cable clock
operating at the 48-channel rate, two 1/2-baud bipolar
RCFAIL ........................ Radio comparator failure
pulses (one of each polarity) are transmitted for each
RFFL............................ Radio-to-cable functional failure
binary 1. No pulses are transmitted for binary 0. The
RPCM .......................... Retimed pcm
waveforms for the asynchronous mode pcm signals are
RPFAIL ........................ Radio digital processor failure
illustrated in figure 2-1.1. The "to radio" (TRPCM) and
RRIFAIL ....................... Radio receiver interface failure
"from radio" (FRPCM) signals are similar for both
RRM ............................ Radio repeater mode
RR∅W ......................... Radio recovered orderwire
synchronous and asynchronous modes of operation;
they are full baud binary and are transmitted at either
RRPCM........................ Radio repeater pcm
the 48- or 96-channel data rate, as selected.
RRPFAIL...................... Radio repeat pcm failure
RSPCM........................ Reshaped pcm
(4) The basic signal mnemonics used in digital
RTFL............................ Radio-to-cable traffic failure
RVC∅I ......................... Radio voltage controlled os-
data modem 1A12 block diagram descriptions are listed
in the following chart As used on the diagrams, and in
cillator modulation
the descriptions the mnemonics have a prefix 1 for logic
TC1.............................. Test control 1-not used
one or 0 for logic zero to indicate the active logic state
TC2.............................. Test control 2-not used
of the signal at the point The mnemonics listed in the
T4608 .......................... 4608 kHz cable-to-radio clock
chart do not have the prefix 1 or 0, as the basic meaning
TEST ........................... Not in cable-loopback-mode
T∅CX........................... To cable
of the mnemonic Is the same for either prefix. Thus,
1RRIFAIL (output pin 10, fig. 5-36) means that logic
TRPCM ........................ To radio pcm
one at this point indicates a radio receiver interface
XCPCM ........................ Cable traffic
failure. ONOR (output pin F, fig. 5-38) means that logic
zero at this point indicates a radio traffic failure.
(5) Digital data modem 1A12 contains plug-in
components listed in paragraph 2-4a and associated
chassis-mounted connectors and components.
BP................................ Full baud data pulse
synchronous operation, plug-in components 1A12A1,
BP∅W ......................... Bypass orderwire
1A12A2, and 1A12A3 are used exclusively m the cable-
CCEX∅W .................... Cable extracted orderwire
to-radio function; plug-in components 1A12A7, 1A12A8,
CCFAIL ........................ Cable comparator failure
1A12A9, 1A12A10 and 1A12A11 are used exclusively in
CC∅WIN ..................... Cable orderwire in
the radio-to-cable function Plug-in components 1A12A4,
CCR∅W ...................... Cable receive orderwire
1A12A5, and 1A12A6 provide circuits for both functions.
CCT∅.......................... Cable transmit orderwire.
These statements apply also to asynchronous operation
CFFL............................ Cable-to-radio functional failure
with the corresponding asynchronous reference
CLPCM ........................ Cable loopback pcm
designations used. Subparagraphs b and c below
CP ............................... Clock pulse
describe the main signal paths in digital data modem
CRFAIL ........................ Cable regenerator failure
1A12. Functional block diagram descriptions of the
CRLFAIL ...................... Cable-to-radio logic failure
cable-to-radio and radio-to-cable circuits of digital data
CSPCM........................ Cable sliced pcm
Change 6 2-8.1
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