| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
The 150 MHz frequency modulated output of 1A8 is
alarm condition (data aim, transmitter alm, receiver alm,
applied to transmitter frequency mixer stage 1A9 where
or remote traffic in alm) is detected, the CNTRL ALARM
it is mixed with a 4.55 to 4.85 GHz local oscillator signal,
indicator lights red and an audible alarm is heard over
which is produced by electrical frequency synthesizer
the loudspeaker. The RESET pushbutton on 1A15A8 or
1A14 and a times 16 multiplier chain. The electrical
the external alarm disable switch is used to silence the
frequency synthesizer generates a highly stable
audible alarm; however, the red CNTRL ALARM
frequency in the range of 284.375 to 303.125 MHz. The
indication will remain until the alarm condition is
detected output level (synth level) is applied to metering
removed. The WAVEGUIDE SW indicator on 1A15A8
circuits on 1A15A8. The SYNTH OVEN lamp (press-to-
is lighted green when Switch, Waveguide SA-1679/GRC
test) on meter panel assembly 1A15A8 lights white when
is set to the ANTENNA (NORMAL) position and lights
the standard radio frequency oscillator oven in 1A14 is
red when the SA-1679/GRC is set to the TO LOAD
at the correct temperature. In addition, a synthesizer
(TEST) position.
monitor signal is applied from 1A14 alarm monitor 1A5.
This signal indicates if the radio frequency oscillator and
(3) Attenuator assembly 1A3 provides
the standard radio frequency oscillator contained in
attenuation and phase shift circuits for the to radio data
1A14 are phase locked. If an in-phase lock condition
and digital ow signal and attenuation to analog ow
exists, the SYNTH LOCK indicator on 1A15A8 lights
signals. A detected analog ow test signal from 1A3 is
green. An out-of-phase lock condition causes the
applied to the metering circuits on 1A15A8. The data
SYNTH LOCK and CNTRL ALARM indicators to light
and analog ow output signals from 1A3 are combined at
red. The 284.375 to 303.125 MHz output from 1A14 is
the output of af-rf amplifier 1A4. The data signal is
applied to the times 16 multiplier chain which is
amplified in 1A4 and the combined data and ow output
comprised of transmitter amplifier frequency multiplier
is applied to 4.5 MHz low pass filter 1A6. The 4.5 MHz
1A11, coaxial circulator 1HY1, and transmitter
low pass filter shapes the data signal before it is applied
frequency multiplier group A10. The signal is amplified
to radio transmitter modulator 1A8. A detected traffic
and multiplied to 1137-1213 MHz in 1A11. The signal is
level, (representative of the input to 1A8) is fed back to
then coupled through 1HY1 to 1A10. Coaxial circulator
the alarm monitor 1A8 through attenuator assembly
1HY1 provides isolation between the frequency
1A3. If the traffic level signal is present (normal
multiplier circuits.
Transmitter frequency multiplier
condition), alarm monitor 1A5 causes the TRAF
group 1A10 multiplies the 1137 to 1213 MHz signal up
indicator on 1A15A8 to light green. If the traffic level
to the 4.55 to 4.85 GHz local oscillator frequency for
signal is absent (alarm condition), 1A5 causes the TRAF
application to transmitter frequency mixer stage 1A9.
Detected signal levels in the times 16 multiplier chain
The traffic level signal is also routed to the metering
are applied to the metering circuits in 1A15A8. The
circuits in 1A15A8 through alarm monitor 1A5.
1137 to 1213 MHz output of 1A11 is detected (ampl-
mult) within 1HY1 and applied to the metering circuits.
(4) The combined data and ow signal
The 2275 to 2425 MHz signal generated by the 2nd
frequency modulates a 150 MHz carrier in 1A8.
frequency multiplier circuits in 1A10 is detected (2nd
Electronic frequency control 1A7 provides automatic
mult) and applied to the metering circuits. The 4.55 to
frequency control (afc) of the 150 MHz carrier.
4.85 GHz output generated by the 3rd frequency
Frequency control and modulator signal levels from 1A7
multiplier circuits in 1A10 is detected
and 1A8 are applied to the metering circuits in 1A15A8.
Change 6 2-6.2
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