| ![]() TM 11-5820-670-30
When a radio set fails to meet a designated standard during a performance test, a reference is made
in the test procedure to a specific troubleshooting chart which can then be used to locate the cause of
the nonperformance. The results of in-aircraft tests may accompany the radio set when it is forwarded
by AVUM maintenance to the AVIM unit and can be used to select an appropriate troubleshooting
procedure in the event that saving time is essential. If trouble symptoms are unkown, begin with volt-
age distribution troubleshooting and proceed until symptoms are known. See applicable mode of
operation troubleshooting chart.
Troubleshooting procedures are based on the following assumptions:
1. Only one malfunction exists which is causing the symptom detected.
2. The troubleshooting charts do not isolate every possible defect.
3. Failure to locate a defect using the charts suggests a wiring-related problem which can be iso-
lated using the schematics in the back of this manual.
4. Troubleshooting procedures for germanium and silicon versions of the modules in the rt are
the same.
The rt will be completely inoperative if voltage distribution is interrupted by an open or a short in the rt
chassis wiring. The voltage distribution and primary power circuit troubleshooting charts will aid in
determining if there is a wiring problem or if power supply has been interrupted by a faulty power supply
assembly or its fuse, a faulty voltage regulator, or a defect in the control unit. Perform appropriate
repair or replacement as instructed and repeat the performance test after repair is made.
If the rt is operational, but does not meet a performance standard, performance troubleshooting
charts will aid in determining the specific module or component that is malfunctioning. Performance
troubleshooting isolates problems when the radio components are functioning in the receive mode,
the transmit mode, or its homing mode. In each case, the first chart covers a gross failure; for
example, a complete failure to transmit. Subsequent charts cover performance degradation where the
rt may transmit, for example, but at low power or with excess distortion. The troubleshooting charts
isolate the problem to a module or component that is faulty. A faulty module may have failed completely
or partially, may be operating at less than standard performance due to damage or age, or may itself
contain an open or short. Repair or replacement instructions for a specific module or component is
given. After repair or replacement, aline unit if required, then repeat performance test.
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