| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
inductor L142 (fig. 3-96) until the vfo output is 9,500 1
g. Rf Alignment, Receive Mode
(1) On the test fixture, place the FUNCTION
(31) Rotate the slug rack control on the
SEL switch to RCVR, the LOOP SEL switch to
indexing fixture to the 999 position and adjust inductor
CLOSED, and then place the POWER ON-OFF switch
L132 (fig. 3-105) until the vfo output is 10,500 1 kHz.
to ON. Set OSC CONTROL to 0 and 09.
(32) Repeat steps (30) and (31) until both
(2) Rotate the switch on the indexing fixture
frequency settings are within the 1 kHz limit specified.
(33) On the indexing fixture, set the switch to
10 and rotate the slug rack control to 000. Adjust
(3) Adjust the signal generator to 2.0 MHz,
inductor L143 (fig. 3-105) until the vfo output is 10,500
CW operation, and connect the RF OUTPUT jack to the
1 kHz.
RCVR ANT jack of the test fixture.
(34) Rotate the slug rack control on the
(4) Connect the voltmeter to the AUDIO OUT
indexing fixture to the 999 position and adjust inductor
jack of the test fixture and adjust the signal generator
L133 (fig. 3-96) until the vfo output is 11,500 1 kHz.
output frequency and level controls until an indication is
obtained on the voltmeter.
(35) Repeat steps (33) and (34) until both
frequency settings are within the 1 kHz limit specified.
(5) Adjust inductors L7, L22, L37, and L52
(36) On the indexing fixture, set the switch to
Minimum limit is 0.04 volts rms.
11 and rotate the slug rack control to 000. Adjust
indictor L144 (fig. 3-105) until the vfo output is 11,500
1 kHz.
Adjust the output level of the signal
(37) Rotate the slug rack control on the
generator and the voltmeter scale
indexing fixture to the 999 position and adjust inductor
multiplier as required to reduce the
L134 (fig. 3-96) until the vfo output is 12,500 1 kHz.
possibility of limiting within the
(38) Repeat steps (36) and (37) until both
several modules.
frequency settings are within the 1 kHz limit specified.
(6) Rotate the switch of the indexing fixture to
(39) Without further adjustment to the
3 and set the output of the signal generator to
inductors mentioned above, record the oscillator output
approximately 3.0 MHz. Adjust the output level and
frequencies for each setting of the band switch and the
frequency of the signal generator until an indication is
slug rack control on the indexing fixture. The maximum
obtained on the voltmeter.
allowable deviation from the desired oscillator output is
(7) Adjust inductors L8, L23, L38, and L53
12 kHz within any one band.
Minimum limit is 0.04 volts rms.
(8) Rotate the switch of the indexing fixture to
If the frequency deviates more than
4 and set the output of the signal generator to
this amount from the desired value,
approximately 4.0 MHz. Adjust the output level and
tracking correction is necessary. If
frequency of the signal generator until an indication is
the majority of the bands is high (or
obtained on the voltmeter.
low) at the 500 position of the slug
(9) Adjust inductors L9, L24, L39, and L54
rack control, adjust C344 (fig. 3-98).
If C344 fails to compensate for
Minimum limit is 0.04 volts rms.
tracking error, replace one or more of
(10) Rotate the switch of the indexing fixture to
the capacitors (C299, C301, C303,
5 and set the output of the signal generator to
C305, C307, C309, C311, C313, C315
approximately 5.0 MHz. Adjust the output level and
or C317) in the shunt coil
frequency of the signal generator until an indication is
assemblies. The low frequency end
obtained on the voltmeter.
of bands 3 through 11 (M Hz) can be
(11) Adjust inductors L10, L25 L40, and L55
raised or lowered to a maximum
deviation of 8 kHz to assist in
Minimum limit is 0.04 volts rms.
tracking at mid-band. Do not adjust
(12) Rotate the switch of the indexing fixture to
the low -frequency end of the 2.0 M
6 and set the output of the signal generator to
Hz band.
approximately 6.0 MHz. Adjust the output level and
frequency of the signal generator until an indication is
obtained on the voltmeter.
(13) Adjust inductors L11, L26, L41, and
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